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Professor__Chaos__ t1_iyrozif wrote

I think he doesn't mind being an anti semite or at least being viewed as anti Semite if it means he can get out of billion dollar contracts. I agree about him being full of himself. Bill Burr explained it best.

I'm going to look into what happens if one party pulls out of the contract, I wonder would the entity that pulls out have to pay x money etc. to the other party.


notoneofyourfans t1_iyueog4 wrote

Anyone who wanted out of enormous contracts wouldn't show up unannounced at a large shoe company the day after his former shoe company dropped him. He also wouldn't announce: "Please cancel me". And all this attention that he is generating is for naught. Adidas still owns his designs and the only people buying new designs from him would be a few very hardcore fans.