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dirkjames t1_iyrul7g wrote

  • ruined Tay Tay’s Grammy speech and made her cry
  • bought a MAGA hat and tried to disrupt the election as a spoiler candidate
  • continues to call himself the greatest musical genius despite all evidence that he is washed up, middle aged and not producing anything great anymore
  • is a gay fish

philodendrin t1_iys3b5s wrote

Went on a rant in the middle of a live, nationally televised fundraiser against the sitting POTUS (forgivable).

Had a mental breakdown and admitted to a hospital back in November of 2016. Evaluated with a Bi-Polar disorder (prescribed certain drugs).

Stopped taking prescribed drugs.

Gets divorced.

Publicly threatens ex-wifes boyfriend, who has a similar disorder but takes his meds.

Claims that slavery was a choice.

Says outrageous stuff and loses billions of dollars in endorsement and commercial deals.

Announcees he is running for President.

Goes on InfoWars and rants about "loving everyone, including nazi's" while wearing full face covering.


JD_Blaze t1_iyssath wrote

You know he wasnt just admitted to hospital, right? He was illegally sedated & drugged by a well connected mafia enforcer... in the same style as Brittney Spears.


EverybodyBetrayMe t1_iytwoyh wrote

I didn't know that. And I still don't.


JD_Blaze t1_iyul1el wrote

Weird. He published the exchange with & threats from his mafia handler & the medical reports of involuntary commitment.


philodendrin t1_iytyypl wrote

Get me a source, please.


JD_Blaze t1_iyul96u wrote

Kayne's instagram. He published them .. & he's banned now. but here's one of the screen grabs


philodendrin t1_iyvuxoj wrote

Wouldn't it just be easier to boot someone from your life and never allow them near you? He got a divorce, Kim left him. At what point does he not look at the spiral his life has become and not take stock?

He decides what and who is around him. Its his responsibility to manage that facet.

Also, this:

Which leads me to believe that Cannabis, being highly psychoactive, can set off an episode in people with certain conditions, like bipolar disorder and exacerbate it.

Why wouldn't he just boot Pasternak out of his life?


JD_Blaze t1_iz3636y wrote

Because pasternak, the Mafia enforcer, called the hospital & police and lied about kayne's behavior & had him involuntarily committed when he declined... He's a corporate sponsored handler of celebrities... Nearly all celebrities have these handlers & there are hundreds of them.... They are part of the Mafia contract celebraties are put under.. & then the inhuman Mafia enforcer openly threatened to do it again.


philodendrin t1_iz37i0y wrote

Aaaand, ya lost me again. Frankly your story-telling skills are lacking, throwing a bunch of qualified terms at me like I know everything about the soft underbelly of celebrity lives.

I just don't care that much. Enjoy delving deeper into that mess but I'm just not into this.


JD_Blaze t1_iz44ufd wrote

You should care that

  1. Any Humans are assigned handlers ( often with unintelligence agency backgrounds) that operate like a mob enforcers to maintain chattel slave contracts.
  2. These Humans can be publicly, financially, digitally lynched for behaviors and/or breaking NDAs.
  3. These Humans have undue influence on the public & children as chattel.

I don't care about celebrities, I don't care about their bellies, and I don't care about Kanye. But I do care about these 3.


philodendrin t1_iz4r9no wrote

Let me unpack a few things and try to get up to speed on your beliefs; you believe that Ye has been assigned a handler that may/may not have a government Intelligence background, and that the handlers operate like mob enforcers to enforce a slave contract? Who do these handlers report to?

Does everyone have a handler? Presidents, Congresspeople, Heads of Corporations? When are they assigned?


JD_Blaze t1_iz5gkfy wrote

No, it's not simply belief... It is well documented, through multiple series of court actions, fillings, public & private investigations, & leaked information that, at the very least, a third of what we call corporate media personalities (ie celebrities) have stipulations within contracts for assigned PR groups to act as handlers. It's likely more as handlers and enforcement happen through PR firms. PR means Public Relations and its literally the modern, rebranded name for propaganda. These enforcers and handlers are all connected to the same small number of large, multinational corporations through previous or current jobs.

Heads of corporations are part of the funding oligarchy, the IMF... Who directs policy through central planning, by direct appointments of aligned ideological advocates and through subsidies multinational NGOs like the Bilderburgs & WEF, WHO.. Its doubtful the Board of executives they have the same type of handlers, but they do have PR representation and donate money to pay for other handlers instead of paying taxes.

Pasternak did not "may have"... he worked in the Canadian DND DCIEM and DRDC... The Canadian equivalent of the CIA/DOD/DAPRA projects.

Which is a screenshot of this thread from an investigative reporter from some independent news organization, called revolver news.