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-Samg381- t1_iz6mfx4 wrote


OSUfan88 t1_iz7qy7c wrote

That's incredible. What was landing? Perseverance?


Ringosis t1_iz7u8n0 wrote

It's Blue Origin succesfully testing a reusable rocket.


Star_Tropic t1_iz64es3 wrote

I love the other driver stopped to watch.


chaseoes OP t1_iz64jd0 wrote

At the end of the video you can see him cheering!


Tothewallgone t1_iz9qgmq wrote

This is like Animal Crossing when you catch a fish and the villager right next to you starts clapping


LickItAndSpreddit t1_iz6ea33 wrote

I would love to have this kind of excitement and enthusiasm at my job.

When I first started working out of college I got to work mostly with other younger guys and we got to work outdoors (on radar towers). I definitely had moments like this where something worked out just right, or we did something spectacular.

These days I am at a desk/computer and I think people in similar positions typically get excited about getting contract awards, bearing sales forecasts, or other stuff that I’m not really into.


NovaS1X t1_iz7uxu5 wrote

I also work an office job and these days most of the excitement comes from Thirsty Thursdays at the pub.


LickItAndSpreddit t1_iza25m0 wrote

I don’t do anything social with coworkers.

I try to find fun things to do with my kids, and luckily my oldest is getting to the age where we can try to get into games/hobbies together. Recently we’ve started playing Pokémon (the trading card game) and Dungeons & Dragons (the tabletop roleplaying game) together.


NovaS1X t1_iza6zrv wrote

> I don’t do anything social with coworkers.

To each their own. I quit my last job in less than a year because my co-workers never did anything fun/social.


LickItAndSpreddit t1_izaba1k wrote

That might be a big component of it. I remember a workplace engagement survey included a question about having a “best friend” at work. And I don’t know that I could think of any coworkers that I’d want to hang out with outside of work, aside from the guys I used to work with back when I started. Let alone someone I’d consider a “best friend.”


aBoyandHisVacuum t1_iz9bjav wrote

Same. This is why work from home is the way to go. You can basicly bring your laptop anywhere awesome. Lol just gotta hit that mute button.


LickItAndSpreddit t1_iza29wv wrote

Could you elaborate? Not really sure what work I could get done being somewhere “awesome.”


aBoyandHisVacuum t1_iza6de8 wrote

I realize this is just not going to work for all careers, but a majority of us in the corporate world have a few emails, some pointless meetings, and a few forms or transactions or whatever we fill out during the work day. Ive found my neighbors and i can spend majority of our work day on the boat, in the garden, working on cars, getting coffee, building a deck, etc. We just need to hear that ping when we are needed. Lol

To give some examples, one of us is an engineer, he has most of his drawings and tasks done by 7am, getting minnows for fishin by 8am. Lol one of us does compliance and energy monitoring, most of his alerts go to his phone and he can shut things down remotly from there.

The rest of us sit in meetings or review docs early enough that we still have our whole day.


Tylerbrettt t1_iz67ayx wrote

Top that punks!


079855432 t1_iz7m91h wrote

That's my favorite part! As if there's a line of people out there constantly telling him he couldn't do it. Punks!


ele37020 t1_iz7edb3 wrote

If I figured out a way not to touch a dirty mattress I'd be psyched too.


nawers t1_iz8ylt3 wrote

dude is throwing trash for a living, I highly doubt a matress is worse than what he does on the regular.


DrHawk144 t1_iz7ryev wrote

I fkn love working with enthusiastic people like this


Csoltis t1_iz75ofu wrote

1.8 million views (8 years old video)


Lionheary t1_iz7p48z wrote

When I was a kid I dreamed of being a garbage man. This just confirms I should have followed my dreams.


infodawg t1_iz7aerq wrote

That needs some Barry White.


Captain_Assumption t1_iz80cfe wrote

Totally misread that as "Mistress"... Even initially seeing the mattress, it didn't make me double check the title until it was in the bin.


Zhuul t1_iz9lb2o wrote

Heavy machinery operators having fun is such a beautiful genre of video


palehorse864 t1_iza57ug wrote

I would love to hear H Jon Benjamin dub over this entire thing, especially that, "Yeaaah I'm awesome!"


ashy_snorlax t1_izafylz wrote

Mine just drops the cans in the street with his.


Walahons t1_izcqt69 wrote

I love watching this video. That's my brother, and he is the coolest!


Dohagen t1_iz79o0c wrote

Best watched with the sound muted.
