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e4t3r0fw0rlds OP t1_j4q0z90 wrote

Is this a safe distance as well when using a MAPP Gas torch?

Oh yea if I put it in the blue the stuff breaks down and burns me... I never said I was immune to fire, just deflecting heat, heat that would burn any human being.

Only the cone burns? Have you ever been around a fire or flame? Sighs


srpent t1_j4qrngq wrote

Lol I'm an amateur welder. also MAPP gas was discontinued in 2008 so you're full of shit twice.

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e4t3r0fw0rlds OP t1_j4rrimb wrote

You obviously googled that because no one knows should have kept reading as you will find the yellow cans sold as MAPP still available but just certain comparable chemicals premature'd there with your clever wit.