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Markantonpeterson t1_j4xjbuy wrote

> but then bring it right back with words like "consequence" and "held accountable". Both those words imply pushing someone to the brink of suicide was deserved.

Woah, WHAT THE FUCK? How the F U C K is that implied? What is wrong with you people? You act like "held accountable" is some vague thing, it fucking isn't. It's actually what Andrew started in his public response. All i'm saying is it's not the end of him taking accountability. Losing his deal with Tim and Eric is part of it to. It's whatever the fuck happens. I was arrested in high school. What happened is everyone I knew learned about it. I was suspended from school and my sports team. I'm not leading some public shaming campaign. I'm explaining why he's facing repercussions. Your claiming i'm advocating for his fucking suicide? What the flying fuck is the matter with you? I'm a huge fan of his, i'm gutted by this. Fuck you people. Seriously, the responses i'm getting here make me fucking sick.


yes_but_not_that t1_j4xn708 wrote

I'm not sure which "you people" you're lumping me into, but I would at best call myself a casual consumer of his content. Sounds like you might've been a bigger fan. I'm speaking as someone vehemently opposed to public shaming, because it feels fucking medieval.

Are you genuinely asking how that's implied by your responses or just need a moment to feel shock? If you see a global shaming campaign that matter-of-fact put this kid in a pysch ward as "accountability", that implies you believe it was deserved. It's fine that you didn't mean to imply that, which is why I asked you to clarify.

This is exactly my problem with these conversations. No one wants to actually face the harmful, gross realities of public shaming—it's just a leaderless internet trend they can log in and out of. They want to focus on the initial fucked up actions (they were) and then hand-waive the reaction no matter how net-harmful it may be.

And no, going to jail and feeling local embarrassment is not in the same universe as global humiliation. But even what you went through, I'm equally opposed to. I'm genuinely sorry. Any consequence that isn't solely focused on rehabilitation is fucked in my opinion, including the entirety of the prison industrial complex.