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Vlad__the__Inhaler t1_j4zpruj wrote

So admitting your mistakes and genuine regret are a reason for witch hunts?

The cries for cancelation started right after the accusations, not after him admitting his guilt. And let's be fucking real. Being pushy and pressuring someone to consensual sex is a shitty thing to do, but it is NOT the same as sexual Assault.

But sure, let's treat him like Harvey winesteins little nephew...


Visual_Ebb6867 t1_j50cadj wrote

It’s not a witch hunt when the dude came out and admitted he’s a witch lol. Witch hunt implies it’s all fake


Aphor1st t1_j50jvt9 wrote

People how commit sexual assault should be punished. Being a sex pest, which he admits to, is a form of sexual assault. This dude will probably never see a jail cell so he should lose his career instead.

An apology does not make the trauma that these women suffered though go away.


Vlad__the__Inhaler t1_j50s9fd wrote

It doesnt. But i would rather show people that admitting mistakes and making amends is the way to go.

He didnt rape the victims. He didnt commit murder. But people act like he did.

Admitting his actions is something most people in this spineless society wouldn't even consider. Acting like that makes it worse is ridiculous.

Let him face the consequences. But give him the opportunity to do better than he did in the past.


Aphor1st t1_j50tdwf wrote

Yes he can have to opportunity to do better but he no longer deserves to be in the public eye. Also being a sex pest is a form of rape. It’s called sexual coercion. Forcing women to consent is not consent it’s rape.