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theBizz1138 t1_j547gq8 wrote

When? There’s nothing in my notifications about googling it. So people make silly cakes. I’m not getting what’s so cringy. And why you think 99% are made just for likes and not a just a picture of silly cake. You haven’t said what is actually cringy. Have you ever seen when someone gives their friend a cane for their birthday? This is what that is.


Sololololololol t1_j54cv01 wrote


theBizz1138 t1_j55g6ir wrote

So those links don’t say anything about google. I can see you left comments if I look at your history but when you click on them they don’t exist. Are you sure you didn’t edit or delete them? Saying something is cringe isn’t explaining why.

So be you specifically look for an image now your mad you see it? Just because it’s in the google search your searched for doesn’t mean it’s plaguing Reddit.


Sololololololol t1_j560v1l wrote

Idk what you’re on about, I said to go google image search it cuz you kept insisting.

You honestly are a moron. “Heh give me proof of this happening”

“Okay, here”

“Yeah well, that’s only because you’re specifically searching for it”


Yeah you ain’t worth the brain cells lost talking to you

And yes, I explained why I find it cringe and if you’re too dull to know how to read that’s on you, you’re literally the only person in this thread who’s this remedial.


theBizz1138 t1_j562tc0 wrote

I asked you to show me in your feed. You said you seem this stuff all the time… I didn’t believe you. You asked me to specifically google it… how the fuck is googling an image the same as it popping up with out searching in your feed

The things you look at on Reddit are why you see nut sack cakes so much…. What are you looking at?

Again, saying something is cringy does not in anyway explain why other than you said so.