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otitso t1_j64pb1i wrote

Lmaoo damn border collies too damn smort


AXELBAWS t1_j64zqvc wrote

could probably teach them to send the other dog an SMS!


ElliotMayCry t1_j66rcff wrote

I've been thinking about getting one, now I worry if I'm ready to own one!


ianjm t1_j6828qh wrote

Great dogs but they are a lot of work. Extremely energetic (need exercise every day for a couple hours) and they get depressed unless they have some sort of 'job' to do! Doesn't have to be a real job, but some sort of structured activity is a must. But if you have all the pieces together their incredible intelligence can make for a very rewarding relationship.

Never owned one myself, but have a friend who's had them all his life.


rubentheboy t1_j65ng5g wrote

At the end he goes “hi deaf dog” which is funny because the dog can’t hear him


Tfx77 t1_j685omv wrote

You never stop talking to deaf dogs, you just kinda do it (have a deaf dog, he wasn't always deaf). It's still quite sad, but doesn't both him much.


boot20 t1_j65kjsw wrote

Similar thing here. My deaf cat ends up getting locked in closets and shut into the pantry, because she gets behind stuff or on top and you can't see her.

Anyway, we've trained our dog to not only find her, but to alert us if she's shut up somewhere. We had to close our bedroom door because we were having some construction done and it was dusty, well, our little pup was FREAKING out because our cat was locked in the room. It was the cutest damn thing. We had to let that cat out and our pup didn't leave her side for like 48 hours.


TheKatLoaf t1_j658t0w wrote

The proud dog smile as she's sitting there looking up at the cameraman, excited wiggle like "i did a thing now let's go :D"... Too good


nadmaximus t1_j653hnm wrote

Imagine a person looking at you when you talk, like a border collie.


Akasadanahamayarawa t1_j69ghn5 wrote

There is something magical about when a border collie looks at you. Most pet owners will feel a connection with their pets and feel like they understand.

You’ll get that feeling with a border collie as well, but moments later they’ll actually make something happen in reality related to what you’re talking about.

Story time: I had a childhood dog, a once in a lifetime working line border collie. I taught him to open the back garden door for me and grab drinks from the fridge. But never as two separate actions. One day I was talking with a friend about how a cold beer would be nice out in the front lawn when suddenly the pup turns around looks me in the eye then runs off. A few moments later he comes back all proud with a beer in his mouth. We thought he found one outside but the drink was ice cold.

Get this, he ran to the backyard, opened the backyard door and then opened the back sliding door (which I didn’t teach him how), then the fridge, grabbed a beer and then back to us. He even closed all the doors like I taught him (except the sliding door which was left completely open).

Broke my heart when he went deaf. But that didn’t bother him, he picked up hand signs and could tell what I wanted him to do just by the way I nodded. That boy ran with me till he was 18. A good dog.

Anyways thanks for reading, I rambled and was sentimental because I’m driving out 400 miles tomorrow to pick up my first dog since he passed. A year old border collie pup that I will love and cherish hopefully for our next 2 decade adventure.


Villain_of_Brandon t1_j66ps2k wrote

your logic has failed you, "I don't want to go outside in the cold to find my dog, so I bribe my other dog to get them, by promising to spend more time outside with them than finding the first dog would take."


Admiral_Hakbar OP t1_j66qe6m wrote

We have to go on a walk every day. Going out to get the other dog is extra work lol


Turdferguson586 t1_j675ebj wrote

This was my very first thought as well. Not ever. Just about this video.


Bjartensen t1_j64vqvs wrote

Border collies are so cute and smart :3


Jainelle t1_j667ud9 wrote

Wonderful dog you got there!


yetifekker t1_j67s4y6 wrote

had a black lab doberman mix that did this when our old dog went deaf.

'chance, go get micah.' and he'd go and stomp all around her until he got her attention or she woke up.

never could get my current black lab to get the concept. so we'd go together to get our older dog.


Klumber t1_j68ovix wrote

We have two young Clumbers, one (22mths) loves staying outside and does the typical Clumber Spaniel thing of ignoring the shit out of you. The young one (4mths) actually listens, so she makes sure the older one does as well by licking her mouth and 'asking' her to follow. It's brilliant, dogs have so much to offer.


14X8000m t1_j6994zm wrote

OP got a bulk discount on dogs.


monteqzuma t1_j64q2de wrote

The Family We're Born With, And The Family We Make Along The Way.


BurntmyFinger911 t1_j68lp10 wrote

“Taught her”. He probably just said that one morning and she did it. Border collies so smart


Admiral_Hakbar OP t1_j6bftrl wrote

You're actually correct. We said it once, she did it, we praised/rewarded, and she now does it on command