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cheekybeeboo t1_j6oo2d5 wrote

As much as I loved the tintin adventures when I was a kid, that 2011 film Spielberg made I felt suffered from adventure overload. They really threw in everything they could think of and it got tedious to just go from chase to chase to chase.


g1immer0fh0pe t1_j6p0g1t wrote

Guess I just assumed the original was like that too. But I suppose even Spielberg has occasionally taken liberties with his source material. There's just so much to read, and so little time. ⏳ 😏

Were you a reader of the comics and have you seen the 90's series? If so, would you say the series was more true to the original? 🤔


cheekybeeboo t1_j6p4iu9 wrote

Yes, the TV series is faithful to the comics. The Spielberg movie definitely takes liberties with its source material -- not that the characters are greatly different -- but just that the pacing of the originals was more old school detective but with some adventures.


g1immer0fh0pe t1_j6p8qlo wrote

Was hoping you'd say something like that. Thanks, beeboo. ✌😀