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getgoingfast t1_j9ssi41 wrote

Is that why there is crazy push at Amazon to force everyone back of office, so these idiots can pay their bills?


ebbiibbe t1_j9stzh9 wrote

That and so everyone can keep their tax credits from local governments.


dudeman4win t1_j9thgnc wrote

Don’t forget all the toll roads, parking lot taxes and restaurants


[deleted] t1_j9tqin6 wrote



MufasaThePoorSD t1_j9tu5mh wrote

This is not correct. There are many deals with cities and states to employ xyz number of people in the area. It’s why some companies didn’t allow people to relocate after moving to remote work.


osoALoso t1_j9tulr8 wrote

Nah, there are a lot of them that have an employee minimum. We used them at my old job and if we didn't keep. Say 25 people at the location for 3 years we had to back pay the tax abatement in full with interest.


[deleted] t1_j9tpjf1 wrote



eatmoremeatnow t1_j9tx57w wrote

This is the point though.

They WANT demand for things like vacations and home renovations to go down. They WANT a recession because it will halt inflation.


Walla_Walla_26 t1_j9tr0od wrote

I can’t fathom a business paying for employee meals, lattes, snacks, and the myriad other perks offered. That’s nuts. No wonder the balance sheet drastically improved. You really need all that extra stuff to compete for fintech employees?


[deleted] t1_j9tsb4q wrote



OnlyFAANG t1_j9tzzsx wrote

Yep I work at a FAANG, and not the shitty one. Nobody is going back. They can layoff deez nuts. I'll never go to an office again.


Current-Band569 t1_j9ufes8 wrote

I wonder which FAANG cuz I also work for a FAANG and people bitched but the company cracked down and everyone bent the knee.


Walla_Walla_26 t1_j9u6p3y wrote

Damn I’ve always worked in a field that has to be done in a centralized location. I guess I just didn’t know how it is. Thanks for the explanation. It was very direct and eye opening. I guess I just can’t imagine employers bending over like that for talent. DAMN


[deleted] t1_j9u8hyd wrote



Walla_Walla_26 t1_j9v2xh4 wrote

I work in the utility industry and there would just be no chance to get hired back at double salary even if they’re not paying benefits. Something tells me I should switch careers


redditkingu t1_j9wd262 wrote

>I can’t fathom a business paying for employee meals, lattes, snacks, and the myriad other perks offered. That’s nuts.

It's all bread and circuses. It's a lot cheaper to pay for lunch and little treats than it is to pay office drones a proper wage.


terrybmw335 t1_j9txegq wrote

Labor is by far your largest expense and work at home employees just bleed productivity.


[deleted] t1_j9u17jf wrote



es_price t1_j9u9txk wrote

Let me stop working so I can read these studies about how productivity soared. Any links?


yonk49 t1_j9vxk57 wrote

Anecdotal evidence:

Young people suck and take advantage of work at home.

Older people who have been in the workforce get more done and more effective (depending on roll).

Obviously, there are exceptions but seen this trend consistently.


terrybmw335 t1_j9u1lnu wrote

There are just as many showing a huge drop-off in productivity. At best, I think WFH can work well for highly paid goal oriented engineers. For most positions though, it's proven to be a drain, which is why so many companies are reversing course.


StudlyPenguin t1_j9uewyk wrote

2x productivity times 0 is still zero. The best have leverage, and if they want to work from home, the market is happy to oblige.


psychoticdream t1_j9tjfhh wrote

Correct. A lot of people who invest in real state this way are facing losses due to remote work and sick employees...


DelahDollaBillz t1_j9tle8y wrote

Who cares? They took a risk, and lost. They don't "deserve" to have guaranteed returns...


onlyrealcuzzo t1_j9tuvil wrote

Yeah, but the Fed has been in the business of socializing losses and guaranteeing returns for like 23 years.

So I'm skeptical that's going to change.


psychoticdream t1_j9tmghf wrote

Right! But this push to protect the wealthy landlords and corporations is what caused a push to return to normal and do away with covid mitigations way before it should have been ok.

The end result is a lot of sick employees and mounting losses..

Whatever..... The likely winners out of all this will probably be insurance companies


luckytrade313 t1_j9tp9pi wrote



psychoticdream t1_j9u1hqc wrote

Depends. Good gains there on that industry though. Especially the ones dealing with mrna tech because it's so fucking versatile it can be adapted to any illness (including cancer treatment which is showing some good promise so far) so we'll see flu vaccines using mrna tech and they WILL have better efficacy rates compared to traditional vaccines (traditional vaccines usually have 50-60% efficacy)


NeillMcAttack t1_j9towe9 wrote

I mean, yea. But, we have a kind of weird global economy, where if the business property market (which are backed with asset shares, just like the mortgage bubble in 08) was to turn into a bubble, and burst, the markets tank, people lose their jobs etc. In this economy we need property houses high, to maintain the markets and keep jobs, but also low, so people can start businesses and you know, have somewhere to live.

The system is broke as fuck quite frankly!!


laetus t1_j9uuhcq wrote

> people lose their jobs etc.

People losing jobs doesn't have to be a bad thing.

What's worse, having them lose jobs and then we pay them for doing nothing / coming up with doing something useful?

Or paying them and they stay in their useless job?

The problem is that society chooses to stop paying the people who lose their jobs because 'it was their own fault' or something... And then people don't want to lose jobs but they keep doing stuff that's useless or even detrimental to society.

The bad thing happens is when people lose jobs but those were useful jobs.


adamrch t1_j9wgs9l wrote

You seem to be too in touch with reality to ever be in a position to make any of those decisions.


ShankThatSnitch t1_j9twe02 wrote

The push is coming from the banks. Banks own all the loans for commercial real estate, and were the first entities pushing for back to office.

Banks also tend to be board members and significant share holders in public companies and could internally push for back to office to protect their loan assets.


Expensive_Web_8534 t1_j9uexas wrote

Yes, because "PIMCO-owned office landlord" decides the corporate HR policy at Amazon.


laetus t1_j9uu5a6 wrote

You can also just pay for empty buildings, if you just want to make sure idiots can pay their bills... no need to have people there.


yao97ming t1_j9vv37o wrote

Working from home hurts the economy lol. Way less spending