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ebbiibbe t1_j9stzh9 wrote

That and so everyone can keep their tax credits from local governments.


dudeman4win t1_j9thgnc wrote

Don’t forget all the toll roads, parking lot taxes and restaurants


[deleted] t1_j9tqin6 wrote



MufasaThePoorSD t1_j9tu5mh wrote

This is not correct. There are many deals with cities and states to employ xyz number of people in the area. It’s why some companies didn’t allow people to relocate after moving to remote work.


osoALoso t1_j9tulr8 wrote

Nah, there are a lot of them that have an employee minimum. We used them at my old job and if we didn't keep. Say 25 people at the location for 3 years we had to back pay the tax abatement in full with interest.