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NeillMcAttack t1_j9towe9 wrote

I mean, yea. But, we have a kind of weird global economy, where if the business property market (which are backed with asset shares, just like the mortgage bubble in 08) was to turn into a bubble, and burst, the markets tank, people lose their jobs etc. In this economy we need property houses high, to maintain the markets and keep jobs, but also low, so people can start businesses and you know, have somewhere to live.

The system is broke as fuck quite frankly!!


laetus t1_j9uuhcq wrote

> people lose their jobs etc.

People losing jobs doesn't have to be a bad thing.

What's worse, having them lose jobs and then we pay them for doing nothing / coming up with doing something useful?

Or paying them and they stay in their useless job?

The problem is that society chooses to stop paying the people who lose their jobs because 'it was their own fault' or something... And then people don't want to lose jobs but they keep doing stuff that's useless or even detrimental to society.

The bad thing happens is when people lose jobs but those were useful jobs.


adamrch t1_j9wgs9l wrote

You seem to be too in touch with reality to ever be in a position to make any of those decisions.