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CSMastermind t1_j9wy4kn wrote

Of all the guys I know who divorced, only one didn't get taken to the cleaners by their ex.

He worked as a bartender, and every night at the end of his shift, he'd put $20 into a box that he never opened or told his wife about. Did it for a decade.

The rest of his tip money covered his living expenses, and the money that hit his account from wages was spent on guns, gold, and rare liquor bottles that he had a side hustle trading in.

He's a disabled vet with a pretty high disability rating so he also had a nice income stream that was untouchable in a divorce proceeding.

His wife was a stripper then later a waitress who spent every dollar she made pretty much as soon as she made it.

Never had a kid with her and when they got divorced he had like $1k in the bank and $5k of credit card debt. They split amicably and decided they didn't have enough assets to divide so went their separate ways.

In reality, he had about $60k cash in the house and guns/gold/spirits worth another $200k.

He's on his second wife now and I'm pretty sure she's unaware as well but at least she's much better with her money and understands the concept of savings.