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jr1tn t1_j9qcvow wrote

Did you mean to actually post this on a public message board, or was this just a thought you had you didn't want to forget?


mrdsnowbdr t1_j9qcwkp wrote

Not the wisest move, but good luck my friend.


Harvick4tw t1_j9qczla wrote

just throw it in a shitcoin and hope it moons


cryptoguy66 t1_j9qdgik wrote

I’m betting against you. I’m gambling the inflation numbers come in hot tomorrow.


SuitableSea8052 t1_j9qflmi wrote

Can you just venmo me that $30 and I can take your wife to wendys for dinner?


kmspecht t1_j9qkhbw wrote

If you bought it for a week or two from now you may make money.


VisualMod t1_j9qmkjy wrote

#Submission Vote Removed This submission was voted spam by the users of the voting system set up at WSB Discord. If you disagree or want to be active in voting to help keep the subreddit clean, please join! ##Reasons

Wasn't a Solid Discussion Starter