Submitted by Napoleon_Tannerite t3_1163l0i in wallstreetbets

If u haven’t heard of the cardboard box indicator, it’s when lesser boxes are sold it lead to a bad year economically. This indicator makes sense tho, cuz if more people are buying things there will be more boxes shipped.

Dec 2007 Article

Ironically, this article is bullish saying cardboard boxes are doing just fine right before the Great Recession.

Jan 2023 Article

Posted last month, this article is practically the same as the 2007 article, but bearish instead.

This can mean one of 2 things,

  1. We’re heading into a recession Or
  2. The economy says “fuk u and yo sry ass cardboard boxes” and inverses to produce one of the greatest years our country has ever seen.


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VisualMod t1_j94ul94 wrote

>1. We're heading into a recession 2. The economy says "fuk u and yo sry ass cardboard boxes" and inverses to produce one of the greatest years our country has ever seen.


Napoleon_Tannerite OP t1_j94upsc wrote



Gullible_State_9849 t1_j94xpxr wrote

Nothing beats the hot waitress/hooker indicator.

You fucking losers notice hotter servers?


ilikeannualanus t1_j952zx5 wrote

Bold of you to assume I can afford to eat at a restaurant


CodeMonkey1 t1_j963qe0 wrote

You don't need to eat there. Just stand outside and look through the window.


garycow t1_j963r4a wrote

most restaurants right now will hire anyone who applies - they sure as fuck aren’t firing ugly employees and hiring attractive ones


tigebea t1_j94y5nc wrote

-All my stuff has been arriving in plastic bags

-All my stuff has been showing up without packaging

-you guys still get stuff?


JohnnyFnCliche t1_j95hvdn wrote

A decline in cardboard box sales to companies after record highs in 2020 and 2021 during the pandemic when everyone went nuts buying things online while stuck at home seems logical to me and not a valid indicator of a's a valid indicator that we're no longer stuck at home during a pandemic...


Bethany2748 t1_j96sqs2 wrote

Most items are shipped and transported via cardboard . It’s not just an indicator of residential activity.


JohnnyFnCliche t1_j96vzo9 wrote

But if they're measuring against 2 years that aren't normally sustainable, then they have flawed data...that's like Twitch streamers complaining that the platform's average viewer count is massively down now that nobody is home all day every day to sit on Twitch and watch content. Well, of course the viewership is down, people went back to their normal lives again.


Dorktastical t1_j954c9o wrote

Cardboard boxes will do just fine thank you, we will all need to build cardboard houses once we lose our parent's houses on yolos and have to move out of their basements.


[deleted] t1_j94ursx wrote



Napoleon_Tannerite OP t1_j94v5yb wrote

Dang, i have to pay rent on my 3 bedroom 5 bathroom cardboard home. 50k a month😒


asuka_rice t1_j9595o3 wrote

All mainstream media articles are a mouth piece for government misinformation and disinformation.

Do you own research and seek out the other hidden indicators like long queues on food banks, more realtor estate agent sign boards for sale or to let, small foot flow of people shopping, more items sold on auctions, count homeless people and etc.


Majestic_Salad_I1 t1_j95seb9 wrote

Does Amazon make its own cardboard boxes and thus aren’t a part of the index?


NW_Runner t1_j96at6a wrote

I think a lot of my recent Amazon purchases have come in heavy paper or plastic envelopes instead of small boxes, too.


[deleted] t1_j9h7d6v wrote

Yeah they have one guy that makes all the boxes. I’m that guy. We have plenty of boxes. Thanks.


RecommendationNo6304 t1_j974kw3 wrote

Always be wary of a single metric.

Unless you're the male equivalent of a tarot card reader, aka "chartist". Then go nuts. You'll get rich for sure, probably.


Sisboombah74 t1_j98q4ny wrote

I really hate weekends with no Monday market to look forward to.


F7xWr t1_j98q61s wrote

  1. Things i can live in/protection from elements...