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Independent-Soil5265 t1_j9mxk56 wrote

Spring is coming


crackcodyscrack t1_j9o7ov0 wrote

But, German factories run on gas. And Europe needs to restock. This may bounce


haarp1 t1_ja6vkj1 wrote

basf is moving production out of eu, countries are shutting down steel and alu mills and buying from russia (or transfering the production elsewhere).


crackcodyscrack t1_ja75cbo wrote

Where to? You gotta move far to reduce gas dependency.


haarp1 t1_ja761se wrote

china, usa i think. maybe also south maerica, india etc (for steel and alu). some are just buying from russia - plenty of exemptions in NL for example.

basf moved to china mostly.


BourboneAFCV t1_j9n0f7s wrote

I bought Calls few days ago, 50% down, i have loss half of my money and one of my balls


Unknownirish t1_j9o6moa wrote

Shares would be a better way to play this. Hope those calls are way out in the future


garycow t1_j9mxypy wrote

70 degrees in the midwest today - spring is almost here!


Lurking_In_A_Cape t1_j9ni81g wrote

Don’t lie, you’re getting snowed in like the rest of us.


Yeti-Surveyor t1_j9odlc3 wrote

80 here, pollen is out, flowers are blooming so winter is coming? Okay there Ned Stark let’s not lose our head.


Lurking_In_A_Cape t1_j9owqx2 wrote

We must live in two different Midwests then because we've gotten 12+ inches of snow in the last 24 hours.


garycow t1_j9pjozw wrote

STL - been the mildest winter I can ever remember


pokeholo23 t1_j9n013l wrote

I bet you know nothing about the hedging that went on causing these low prices.. mr winter is coming. Other sources say surplus is to last the entire 2023 so who is right..
This stuff was so poorly written and wrong on a bunch of parts that I almost thought it was my own.


VisualMod t1_j9mwexg wrote

>It is clear that Natural Gas prices are at the bottom and set to rebound in the near future. There are numerous factors supporting this claim, including increased demand from China and Russia, reduced production from US companies, and seasonality patterns. ETFs are also currently at all-time lows, indicating a reversal is overdue. With all of these bullish indicators lining up, it is highly unlikely that Natural Gas prices will go any lower.


Brijo84 t1_j9pjmyf wrote

Winter is coming.... It's almost March dipshit


methodtan t1_j9mx3yx wrote

I like $BOIL here but half of your points are like 3 months old... like Winter is almost over and Freeport needs to stay closed to boost price


notnothuman t1_j9n4x0k wrote

Freeport opening reduces domestic supply increasing costs in the US


bigdubsvin14 t1_j9n46b3 wrote

How would BOIL do if war tensions turned into full Armageddon. Id imagine natty becomes quite the hot commodity.

Asking for a friend


sinncab6 t1_j9o7pp0 wrote

Typically destroying a large proportion of your customer base has an adverse effect on commodities.


SOVIETIC-BOSS88 t1_j9ntorz wrote

BOIL would be the last of your problems if tensions turned into full Armageddon.


sande96 t1_j9o9wqi wrote

Fk this and fk natural gas. Anyone who claims to predict it’s movement is full of it. Just search this sub. I fell victim to one of these posts img


lifesabeach2000 t1_j9mzf4h wrote



Biscuit_Eater2591 t1_j9n0dgk wrote

check out VDE

edit: major oil and gas ETF


dalton10e t1_j9nijhn wrote

I've been eyeing snagging VDE over the last week. Am I being too optimistic waiting for 105?


Biscuit_Eater2591 t1_j9or838 wrote

vde price is tied to the price of oil more than anything, were I buying new shares I would try to hold out for $110-111--that is about mid point of their 52 wk trading range. I was lucky I got in last July at 97 & change. dividend is decent too.


slick2hold t1_j9n1sxn wrote

Natgas will fall further. Warm weather but not hot.too soon with inventory up the wazoo. Traders at bofa(i have access to their commentary) who think natgas has a chance to go negative at some hubs.

Who do you believe? I think they will crash it before you see any real upward move. You will need a full scale war in EU for it to do that.


AwesomeRevolution98 t1_j9nb7b8 wrote

The bofa trades are just as wrong as everyone else except they get paid to be wrong


Awkward-Stable-7890 t1_j9n823g wrote

There is so much excess of natural gas in the US it’s burned or used to fuel BTC mining rigs.


DFWRestaurantGuy t1_j9nbpuz wrote

Lol reverse this ASAP Shoulder months and a surplus like crazy


VisualMod t1_j9mwe90 wrote


supurman182 t1_j9n4x2t wrote

What is your play here? I was thinking of just buying UNG and holding it. Options are difficult to time.


dandoggydog t1_j9nairl wrote

Chart says historically, bulls get trapped after squeeze s like today. Could be a couple months until the crooks start criminally pumping natty.

See you natty bulls in a few months ✌🏻


InvestorCoast t1_j9ncxna wrote

Are UNG calls the best way to play a rebound? (if so- how far out) ... or is BOIL or an individual ticker the better way to go?


ChadSuperCock t1_j9ng052 wrote

We are at an all time low, and producers are already starting to reduce rig counts, because it is not profitable. Now in California and across parts of the USA we have a mega cold weather conditions. Natty is OS.


jr1tn t1_j9o41yh wrote

No where near an "all time low."


InvestorCoast t1_j9oj3qm wrote

I'm sure this will get some responses laden with sarcasm... But, is there much difference, structural advantage, etc between BOIL calls vs KOLD puts?


Okimingme t1_j9rci52 wrote

Europe learned to us es lot less this winter. There is real demand destruction happening hete


Sisboombah74 t1_j9re6cj wrote

It got cold. Gas goes up. Not exactly complicated. It will get warm. Gas will go down.


CreativeMinds47 t1_j9n8g8f wrote

I get it, you are all in and now went to convince the world how Industry Hydrogen progress is a hoax and the sessional movement's a BS talk! You will see the gas below 2 bucks for sure! No matter how much writing energy you invest in the WSB....