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n1ck90z t1_jacdbyp wrote

Anyone can be an analyst, just say random shit, change your opinion every few days, if you are wrong change it again. No need to make excuses either, people will forget, just keep the shit coming.


Economy-Assignment31 t1_jaci9d9 wrote

"Ah, yes. The market is very markety today. Many lines. Such activity."


GoldmanSachsGary t1_jacjpex wrote

"Yes, yes, indeed we have a market. It is the market that will do market things, as you outlined perfectly. But still, despite the market conditions things will happen."


send_bobz_plz5678 t1_jacljbc wrote

"Long term, I am predicting a move in the share price. Several moves, in fact. Short term, there is strong evidence for a change in price."


HeelBangs t1_jackq7q wrote

This market has sort of an oaky afterbirth


PrettyDislikeMachine t1_jaelq3x wrote

Canada's banks have chief economists that rehash what is already public knowledge via Bank of Canada minutes (our Fed) and statistics data. I ask myself... how much are these guys getting paid for what really is just a marketing stunt? And how much less would I be paying in bank fees if they removed them and their respective teams that provide zero value?


Intrepid00 t1_jad40sw wrote

> if you are wrong change it again

Can’t be wrong if I purge my Twitter history when I am.


317862314 t1_jach9cl wrote

Someone should make a website that tracks analysist and what percent correct they are.


cletus_ t1_jachxt9 wrote

Was thinking the same! Tipranks remembers 😂


That-Whereas3367 t1_jacjmoi wrote

Tipranks is total BS. A few years ago I saw saw one guy who had about a 90% success rate. But Tipranks gave him an extremely low rating even though he had already sold the stocks (and had a sell rating) before they went down.


cletus_ t1_jacl3gs wrote

Dang. Seems like everyone has an agenda and/or totally incompetent. Have to take EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE with a grain of salt.


Economy-Assignment31 t1_jacildp wrote

Also within the graph the record of Punxsutawney Phil's winter predictions to see who's more accurate: an analyst or a groundhog.


mage_irl t1_jacj44f wrote

They probably exist, but why would anyone leak them


hi-imBen t1_jacl0hh wrote

your mom was risk-reward unattractive but still managed to make you.


landmanpgh t1_jacit8n wrote

So the author bought puts?


hi-imBen t1_jacl68s wrote

probably their 2nd month in a row buying weekly puts and frustrated af that they keep getting screwed, so they wrote a little article hoping it will help.


cletus_ t1_jacenw4 wrote

I didn’t read the article but I’m curious if anyone at JP is brave enough to attach their name to this?


Due-Employee9272 t1_jacfotb wrote

Didn't see any names just alludes to strategists. Bit of a cop out really, put your name forward or forever hold your peace IMO


Whiteguyinbronx t1_jacfkaq wrote

Lmao. I opened the article and there is in fact, no name, besides the author.


trymorecookies t1_jackh44 wrote

At this point they are just Dapper Cramer.


Rim_World t1_jaen6zc wrote

In another news... Water is wet


[deleted] t1_jaex77o wrote

I mean, they are a bit overvalued. Look at average P/E ratio.


[deleted] t1_jactqie wrote



unrulyropmba t1_jad5hwj wrote

Did you mean "citing" your sources? Sitting their sources?

I'd chalk this up to a simple typo but I find it hard to believe you managed to fuck up your finger placement that badly, so indicators are looking like you're a fucking mung.