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JellyDenizen t1_ja8w990 wrote

Absolutely not - ChatGPT's database stops at the end of September 2021, meaning that ChatGPT has no idea of anything that's happened in the last 17 months. That greatly impacts its ability to generate any kind of useful predictions about today's markets.


Objective_Night748 t1_jablts4 wrote

I mean all things considered it is still probably better than us, like VM


JellyDenizen t1_jad68wh wrote

Perhaps, but the missing info seems like it could make a big difference. For example ChatGPT still thinks the federal funds rate is 0.75%.


GoofballMcyoyo t1_ja90p8h wrote

I have no qualms entrusting AI to manage your human dollars. Oops I mean, regular dollars.


breakevencloud t1_ja92x94 wrote

Random ticker generator makes my selections


Random_Guy_47 t1_ja96snr wrote

More importantly, can we use VisualMod for this?


s1n0d3utscht3k t1_ja9149e wrote

stock gains? yeah, no….

I know a lot of ppl using it for work though. AI text generators will be ubiquitous with professionals soon—and outright replacing many.


Popular-Sympathy-696 OP t1_ja91etm wrote

What about buying .ai domains, is this a moon ticket?


Enough_Ad_6584 t1_ja96r58 wrote



[deleted] t1_ja97ya2 wrote



Enough_Ad_6584 t1_ja9elj1 wrote

Afraid not. Only domains of any value in the .ai space would be company name specific. OpenAI primary site is reached via, although they own That is very telling.

Any investment in .ai that would make any kind of return would be a needle in a haystack, at best, and even then there are lots of alternatives.


VisualMod t1_ja8vsl0 wrote

>There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to buy .ai domains depends on your individual circumstances and goals. However, some tips that may be helpful include doing research on the domain market before making a purchase, being aware of common scams associated with buying domains, and working with a reputable domain broker.


thetaFAANG t1_ja92j0j wrote

you can get a better summary of fundamental analysis, as it has been trained on 10-K reports from publicly traded companies

summaries of summaries, understanding of sectors

you need to corroborate whatever it tells you, but its a good conversation. its like having a tiny little war room in the morning at your hedge fun. you still need to corroborate your own in house analysts information, but it helps you form ideas.


asgardwalls t1_ja96u6t wrote

I use it to research on names, and future tech possibilities


Pilry_Mead t1_jaabrfa wrote

Already tried to get it to make a trading algorithm, it said that was unethical, so it couldn't do it. FML.


needspantsu t1_jabu7dr wrote

It's good for learning, ask it to explain things simply and elaborate on things and whatnot.

Don't use it for news, predictions, or up to date info.


Party_Chemical_8943 t1_jacfypt wrote

Absolutely. First thing I did was tell chatgpt to create code I could use to further automate my trading. Game changer.


immortalis88 t1_jadlv1m wrote

Im using it to write my work presentations - so I’m essentially getting paid for the absolute bare minimum level of effort possible. It feels like I’m using it to make gains that’s for sure 🤣


lost_in_life_34 t1_ja9hx2t wrote

there are youtube videos about it giving you code to write simple applications like MACD crossovers but that stuff has been known since the 70's or earlier