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joefunk76 t1_ja4901d wrote

As much as I would love for you to be right, you seem to presume that aren’t a million more greedy fuckers hoping to retire at 45 who would scoop up all those homes at lower prices.


Ok-Grapefruit1284 t1_ja4g8ec wrote

In my area, investment firms are buying up cheaper houses and flipping them into high priced rentals or reselling them for 100k more than they were previously listed for. Sure there are a few independent flippers but mostly it’s companies. We don’t stand a chance.


crypt0_sports t1_ja4e7cz wrote

You may be right there but only do many people can leverage that kind of additional debt


SohndesRheins t1_ja6bzl6 wrote

Man that would be awesome. I'm 15 years away from 45, and my parents are in their 60s and are chronic alcoholics. If they both die in 15 years then I'll definitely liquidate their assets, pay off my house, and buy a rental property or two and retire by age 45. By all means, please drop housing prices.