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HotMessMan t1_j9oe3mk wrote

How do you explain the massive drop then from September to Jan while rates were continuing to increase on Dust?


hyperchimpchallenger OP t1_j9ovkzj wrote

Fed thought they were going to slow rates (that conversation is gone now), and a momentary increase due to central bank acquisition


HotMessMan t1_j9oxaxe wrote

Okay, when would the reverse come? When they announce a pause on date hikes?

And why does higher interest rate increase value of the dollar? Because we are bringing down inflation faster relative to other countries?


hyperchimpchallenger OP t1_j9pebb6 wrote

A pause announcement, actual recession hitting, worsening economics here than abroad. We might see a short term rally on gold in the next month (based on some TA) but it’s not going to be long if that does occur.

Usually increased rates strengthen any currency. It brings investors from all over due to attractive bond rates and similar vehicles. Also, america experiences an influx of capital when the global markets seize due to relative robustness of the American economy