Submitted by JJ2527 t3_11ekm02 in wallstreetbets

Some of you who were blowing up my other post when it hit 238 have a lot of explaining to do. Not only did it reject at 238, but we also capitulated to session lows. The long tail you see on the daily candle is call buyers getting fucked.



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igotinfirstlol t1_jael5ha wrote

Anyone who bought calls thinking it was going any higher belongs here imgimgimg


JJ2527 OP t1_jaelvpv wrote

They seemed pretty confident this am.


VisualMod t1_jaejsw6 wrote

>The long tail on the daily candle is evidence of call buyers getting absolutely destroyed. This just goes to show how smart I am and how foolish everyone else is.


arpatel530 t1_jaeos91 wrote

And now we got 10b offering. Clearly manipulated by algos and Jensen because he needed stock price high. I hope it gets destroyed to 208


JJ2527 OP t1_jaep6f1 wrote

It’s like that wedge and bearish divergence predicted this or something.


DenuvoSuks t1_jaeprme wrote

always do the opposite the regarded brigade is doing. Easy money img


JJ2527 OP t1_jaepy2p wrote

Tried explaining this yesterday. They weren't having it.


DenuvoSuks t1_jaerx60 wrote

there is no point, i remember the posts a year ago about tesla, how that market cap made no sense, and the YOLO brigade went nuts


cristofolmc t1_jaezodq wrote

They still do, even though the stock has a date with the $100 level. It's really funny.


710Ashbury t1_jaenwx1 wrote

Fuck this pile of shit. I hope goes straight to 0


SDgoose-fish t1_jaeobxy wrote

It wasn’t the offering they filed or anything


JJ2527 OP t1_jaeog42 wrote

Price action reflects fundamentals. Why is this so hard to understand?


SDgoose-fish t1_jaeqbhs wrote

You’re such a jabroni


JJ2527 OP t1_jaeqi5a wrote

God, we have a lot of sore losers today.


SDgoose-fish t1_jaeygwc wrote

Dude I didn’t play this but you really think NVDA was like yep we have this shitty looking chart we better do an offering? 🤦‍♂️


JJ2527 OP t1_jaeyp6f wrote

I’d advise you to read “Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets” by John J Murphy to find the answer to that question.


Rhyndir t1_jaf0c75 wrote

10 billion equity offer filed in after hours.. this is gonna be epic for put holders.


wallanghiya t1_jaf0h8d wrote

Wow it’s going down Because of US-CHINA CONFLICT. They might ban TIK TOK THIS WEEK. NVDA has 30% business in CHINA. Because of National Security issues there might be new regulations bills that might affect NVDA. I’m selling CREDIT CALL SPREAD on NVDA. This is a bearish trade.


Much_Professional_82 t1_jaeztta wrote

I appreciate you and what you shared. I also happen to agree. 4/21 170Ps should be good?

Post more like this when you can and ignore the tards.


credit850 t1_jaek1y5 wrote

Where is it headed in your opinion


JJ2527 OP t1_jaek4ri wrote

All the way back to the bottom of the wedge at the very least.


credit850 t1_jaekb3d wrote

Better be going to zero picked up puts at 238


cristofolmc t1_jaezwfy wrote

It's going to fill up the gap thats for sure. So 210 is a certainty. And then it will follow the market, lower but that can happen in a longer timeframe


momsbasement_wrekd t1_jaen4fs wrote

Fuck I hope so. I have Puts down to 210 out to April. I want this donkey to do a Dookie but no. We get Ai aI AI


cristofolmc t1_jaf02xv wrote

Ooff. I played safe with July put @220. No intention to hold them that long but it looked sticky and did not want to get stopped out because of time decay.


B3stAuD1t0rofA11tiME t1_jaengny wrote

Take it easy buddy. If you want to trade Ben Franklin candles like an absolute noob in cal-o be my guest. Just don’t shit on the community.


JJ2527 OP t1_jaenvi1 wrote

I assume you had calls.


JJ2527 OP t1_jaeo6gx wrote

I think it may have been "the community" that was blowing my phone up this am when it was going up...Too bad, so sad.


Jutty1026 t1_jaf1jxw wrote

Bro really thinks the reaction is due to chart. Yes, occasionally a chart monkey will be on the right side but this instance it’s due to the share offering


JJ2527 OP t1_jaf26vm wrote

Interesting. Glad you brought that to my attention. I'm just gonna sit here and do my Voodoo TA and you can do whatever it is you do.


Jutty1026 t1_jaf3gkc wrote

Sure thing chart monkey. I will continue to buy and hold and trade the way I have for the past 2 decades. Good luck