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Terbatron t1_jad35sz wrote

People can’t afford homes, the housing market needs to crash.


BossKitten99 t1_jaddw72 wrote

I agree, but lets face it, people are still paying these ridiculous prices, both in sales of homes and rent. I really feel bad for the renters getting waxed. Perhaps that is why so many are desperate to purchase a home in order to at least “keep” the money they pay each month


Rough-Grape188 t1_jado3vx wrote

Fixing the real estate market will not fix the value of the USD. Still have to pay high energy costs, utilities, and insurance.


Random-Redditor111 t1_jae8gyw wrote

They don’t care about the people buying homes silly. They care about current homeowners having their home values rise to infinity.


BossKitten99 t1_jaed27e wrote

They only rise to infinity as long as demand is infinite. Jacking interest rates are to limit that demand. Too high, too quick and that demand dies . Home prices are not what they were in the 80s


BestAhead t1_jaejjf8 wrote

There is a shortage of homes. Isn’t it arguable that those who can afford them should have the homes?