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SufficientTowers t1_jad6a4j wrote

> You are getting engineers, doctors, professors

Tell me you know nothing about US immigration without telling me you know nothing about US immigration.

> the "unproductive people" are the privileged white demographic

The Left sure does a great job proving they are anti-racist people who care about the little guy....oh wait

>you are exactly the lazy, privileged, misinformed idiot

You got literally everything wrong. You are a white guy who has enough disposable income to mess with options trading.

The amount of irony here is palpable.


thepiguy17 t1_jae12y8 wrote

Jumping in way late to say I don’t think anyone in politics is looking out for the interest of common folks, immigrants or otherwise. It’s all a façade. Then we argue with our neighbors about who is right and who is wrong all day, while those fuckers collect paychecks from our taxes. The remainder then gets funneled to big business because we need privatized companies to help the government do its fucking job, and while they figure out who is going to get paid, they all shovel every dime they can into the market to collect a fat premium on the “work” they did for the American people.

Fuck ‘em. Seriously, both sides are just as corrupt, just as immoral, and just as bad in completely different ways. Congress, and all politically appointed representatives should make minimum wage and not be able to participate in anything other than buying ETFs or throwing shit into a savings account.


SufficientTowers t1_jae1hd7 wrote

Couldn't agree more. Government being a necessary evil that needs to be as impotent as possible seems to be the only valid take.