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SufficientTowers t1_jad9odt wrote

Europe was never the threat to the USD, it's moreso players interested in subverting the petrodollar (some of the BRICS countries and players in the Middle East). Without the petrodollar the inherent faith that props up the USD as a global reserve vanishes.

Russia is far from crushed, be mindful of propaganda. The real variable is whether or not China chooses to ally with them as part of an anti-Western axis or chooses to betray them while they're vulnerable.


Hacking_the_Gibson t1_jadcqwg wrote

Dawg, the US has 15 or whatever carrier groups.

The only currency is violence. If the Middle East fucks with the dollar, we will just kill them.


SufficientTowers t1_jadd4bz wrote

The US military hegemony is only as strong as its ability to fund that. Just printing an extra trillion dollars or so in a year has nearly broke the entire domestic economy, there's no way the US could mount a multi-front war at the moment.

Not to mention that such a conflict would rapidly increase the speed of adoption of US-alternate currency options.


Micheal_Bryan t1_jaf2kmz wrote

Like Hell we couldn't. That is our literal battle plan. You have no idea.


DigitalSheikh t1_jadvows wrote

Russia can’t even handle our second-line weapons being given in relatively small numbers to a country a quarter of its size. What we found out from Ukraine is that the Russian military is laughably weak in comparison to NATO, and that’s not even speaking of the US military. Poland could apparently solo Russia no prob, based on what we’ve seen in this conflict.

China has an even worse position, since any war with them would involve them needing to make a landing on a hostile country that has shitloads of missiles and the support of the largest navy in the world by 10x.


SufficientTowers t1_jadw677 wrote

That is the exact propaganda I am talking about. It's not actually true. But that very propaganda helps feed the narrative needed to keep supporting Ukraine financially.

If you don't believe me then set a reminder for yourself a year from now when Russia mysteriously emerges as the victor.


DigitalSheikh t1_jaeclhf wrote

Lists of equipment losses and casualties supported by photos for every one are hard to describe as propaganda. Russia’s running up almost 2000 tanks lost- at least half their serviceable fleet if not more. Comparable losses in other equipment, usually a third of it was captured by Ukraine. That’s not what a competent power looks like, and no, they’re definitely not gonna win, unless maybe taking just the Donbas at the cost of 200-300 thousand people is a victory


SufficientTowers t1_jaee7a4 wrote

That's a data point in isolation. You haven't heard the alternate explanation for those things so it's natural that you would see those as justifying your worldview - that is exactly how good propaganda works.

Look up Russian military tactics, going back 80 years. They use the attrition model of combat. They send overwhelming numbers (using their most expendable soldiers and equipment) knowing that statistically an opponent of even half the population cannot win against those tactics (this is well established military doctrine in the US as well, btw). In the West we don't consider such tactics ethical but they do in Russia.

If you don't believe me go look up Russian losses in WW2, Afghanistan, Syria, etc. They all used the same tactics.

I want you to keep this conversation in the back of your mind for a few months from now. You will be confused how Ukraine "suddenly" lost. The MSM will have an explanation for it that you will likely buy into. Think about how I know all this before it's happened.


Micheal_Bryan t1_jaf2tj0 wrote

you keep telling everyone to nOt LiStEn 2 PrOpoGaNda, but all you spout are anti-American russian sound bites, and it is so blatantly obvious that i am reporting you for that.