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YouAreStoopud t1_j9hw1i9 wrote

I have no idea what kind of engineering you got into, but a buddy of mine went into electrical and basically sat around playing videogames in a cube being the Maytag repair man for some auto manufacturer. Made damn near 6 figures for it, too.

He just had to move to where the work was. Kind of a downside, sure - but he did well for himself.


DisAccount4SRStuff t1_j9hyr2t wrote

The cost of the degree and difficulty of the degree compare to other job prospects makes it suck. I have friends that went into trades, spent less on thier degree, and make more than me. Also people with similar undergraduates make about the same as I do with not nearly as much effort and the classes are not as rigorous, like finance and HR. Undergrad engineering is not the career path it use to be. Plus, you also get little respect, you're easily replaceable and are expected to work really long hours. It's not a good prospect comparatively any more in my opinion since other jobs are easier to do, easier to obtain, and pay the same.