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EmergencyThing5 t1_j9icchd wrote

I agree that Biden will try to push it back if the Forgiveness plan fails at the Supreme Court even if there’s a lack of legal justification for doing so; however, I don’t see how anyone can think House Republicans won’t push to end the payment pause. They literally included on their proposed list of targets for spending cuts that came out last week. Earlier this month, the majority of Congressional Republicans signed briefs advocating for the Forgiveness plan to be vacated. They are pretty vocally against it. Younger voters aren’t their base, so I don’t think they care if they screw those groups over as much.

I think Biden won’t give up the pause without making Republicans force him to. It’s kind of a waste for him to not leverage it to save something else when the debt limit fight gets underway this summer. Republicans want to sell spending cuts to their base before 2024, and this is clearly one area they could get it.


[deleted] t1_j9isv9m wrote

I think the repayments don’t start back at all, and are also never forgiven. How I believe we get past the issue is we have our next economic meltdown, and you have the public and governments backing to completely wipe them largely away. When and what this all looks like is details I’ll never guess. But it’s on pause indefinitely because turning them back on, after three years of inflation in everything else is a non starter.

I suppose they could turn the repayments back on, all hell breaks out in 6-9 months, and they get bi-partisan support to end student loan repayments for good, all built into some “financial aid” package that winds up costing way more than just writing them off right now would be.🙄