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What_Yr_Is_IT t1_j9k3vw0 wrote

This is my point EXACTLY. In order to make it today, you need to spend money on a degree. Sure yea you can be an entrepreneur and start your own business, but if it was that easy, everyone be doing it. You can farm, but that’s also highly subsidized. You can code, but those jobs are being farmed out to India. There are other means to make a living, but to become an executive at a firm today, the requirements are totally different than what they used to be

I tried to start my own business and failed, cost me $20k

I have my MBA from an M7, and pulling in 6 figures and now having a child. My first. At 40. And freaking out how to afford to pay for him. My boomer parents at this time had 4 kids, in and out of 3 houses, multiple cars, etc. both had union jobs working for 1 company their entire lives with a pension.

They’re anti-union, hate any talk of helping student debt relief, etc. they’ve created the world we’re in today and the hurdles for their kids to climb and are actively trying to make it worse while complaining we live in their basements still.