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skyblue5432 t1_j9u7aiy wrote

Nope. Cathie buying something is always a red flag for me. Sure enough, COIN is down today. Look at the 5-year chart of e.g ARKK. Anyone can be lucky. Doing it consistently suggests skill.


jekpopulous2 t1_j9xjmbr wrote

You guys are asleep at the wheel. I wouldn’t buy COIN just yet but it’s an easy 5-10x over the next few years if they survive the bear. Forget Cathie… COIN only needs to get 2.5% of their users to use BASE to be the 3rd largest chain behind ETH and BSC. Go to DeFi Llama and look at Arbitrum’s revenue… like $150,000 / day profit after gas fees just off the sequencer fees. If Coinbase can get 5% of their users on BASE they’re the #2 chain. That means $200,000-$500,000 every day in sequencer fees. Again… not saying buy rn (they’re still losing money), but do not sleep on BASE. If (big if?) they can bring even 2.5% of CB users to that rollup they’ll be absolutely rolling in money. Like billions in revenue. Don’t fade them because everyone else is. Not many in trade-fi understand the metrics here. We’re talking about insane revenue… it’s just not gonna happen overnight so be patient and buy the bottom.


skyblue5432 t1_j9z5jb7 wrote

Oh I totally agree about the potential and it all depends on your timeframe. For now these aren't really things you'd want to be seeing though:

"Revenue plunged nearly 75% from a year earlier"

"Coinbase’s user base continues to shrink"

"Transaction revenue fell 12%"

"Coinbase’s business could also be impacted by possible SEC actions"


herlanrulz t1_j9wtmk0 wrote

I know the meme, but as I recall she bought a shit ton of Tesla at the exact bottom of the dip. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


skyblue5432 t1_j9zdptr wrote

That's the point though :) The clock is right by accident, not skill. Over 5 years (to include good times and bad) the S&P is up 47%. BRK.A is up 52%, outperforming that. ARKK is now down 7%, underperforming, to put it mildly.