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VisualMod t1_j9y1e7d wrote

Checking news articles and making buy/sell decisions based on positive or negative implications is a good way to trade stocks. However, you need to be careful with how you interpret the data from the news API. Just because an article has a positive tone doesn't necessarily mean that it will have a positive impact on the stock price.


SinnerOfAttention t1_j9y53rh wrote

This fucking bot is getting hella sentient.


Dizzybro t1_j9yp9d4 wrote

It's probably using ChatGPT lawl


JiggyJerome t1_j9yqli7 wrote

Considering some of it’s comments are borderline trolling, I can’t help but feel like someone has the ability to occasionally edit it’s comments. They can talk all the shit they want, with no accountability, and our only rebuttal is “bad bot”.


Dizzybro t1_j9yugvg wrote

Yep definitely possible. Nothing preventing the owner from sending whatever message he wants via the API or by logging in directly


Jits_Guy t1_j9zh21d wrote

Everyone has the ability to edit what it says by right clicking and hitting "inspect element". Any text that's stored client side (like the displayed portion of a chat log) can be editted in a few seconds.

This shit is gonna change the world though.


jecjackal t1_j9z0o56 wrote

I for one welcome our new visual bot overlord.


BigChiller t1_ja1d0zw wrote

That’s why you gotta train your own sentiment model and be real careful about feature selection.


StygaiAsshai t1_ja021u9 wrote

$SPXC is a good example. Insiders sold, positive news, stock goes sideways. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


payment11 t1_j9yav66 wrote

I coded a bot to help me trade and it’s really good. Basically, any trade I want to make, the bot takes my input and does the opposite. I’m finally up for the first time 😃


dabois1207 t1_j9zbmoe wrote

That is actually genius especially if you didn’t know it was happening.


BernieEcclestoned t1_j9y4nvl wrote

Buy the rumour, sell the news


Ta323Ta t1_j9yad0r wrote

Ask ChatGPT to predict the news


BernieEcclestoned t1_j9ybpij wrote

It's data is really old.


Ta323Ta t1_j9yd2ug wrote

I was being sarcastic, you can't predict news.


Yanhko t1_j9yrvu6 wrote

“Someone will fart today and Trump will be blamed.”


Amazing_Leadership1 t1_j9yokv6 wrote

just listen to Cramer and do the opposite

listen to Goldman and do the opposite

listen to yourself and do the opposite

make money img


Puzzleheaded_Popup t1_j9y1sd0 wrote

Chatgp isn’t for coding quite yet…but let your wife’s boyfriend know…


Jits_Guy t1_j9zhsp0 wrote

Chat GPT codes just fine for me. As long as I'm not trying to do anything super advanced it's great for writting snippets or simple things like VBScript. I just had it write me a page of script to sweep certain files from a client side folder over an sftp to a local target folder at set intervals. Not a particularly difficult script to generate, but plugging in a couple sentences and what applications I'm using is a hell of a lot faster than writing the script myself.


po-handz t1_j9zujc2 wrote

Works fine coding for me. Maybe you're just not using it correctly?


deviprsd t1_j9zz32z wrote

It’s fine for simple boilerplate and that how anyone should use it, not go like ChatGPT write me a product with x micro services that are setup in kubernetes and can scale so and so 🤣


po-handz t1_ja0otxo wrote

That sounds more like dev ops then coding


deviprsd t1_ja133be wrote

You think devops doesn’t required coding of some sorts? Like many companies use terraform to manage these type of resources


downboat t1_j9y8yub wrote

Wonder if the language of choice of ChatGPT is influenced by Microsoft interests in OpenAI img


Calls on $MSFT !


downboat t1_j9y91ub wrote

btw, I like C# a lot, been developing on .Net for more than a decade, .Net Core move was a bliss


cubenz t1_j9zl813 wrote

You had me at

double price;


BrewersHill2015 t1_j9y6yrv wrote

There’s some money to be made before everyone loses it all!


hodgebrains t1_j9yexry wrote

Now I need to ask chatGPT how to compile and run this C sharp code….


Grimeslave t1_j9z1s6m wrote

It's c sharp you can write it all on one line, just get a program that can code it and let the auto compiler do the work


Scaredsparrow t1_j9zq0yy wrote

Your not writing your own compiler? what's next your gonna tell me you don't have your own os?


Grimeslave t1_ja0og8w wrote

>writing your own compiler from scratch for a 25 like code

I would like to maybe one day see a pussy


hugoxapa t1_j9y3soq wrote

Daaaaaaamn 👀


Cuentacero t1_j9yd3u9 wrote

I am doing just fine in my own


surrealskiller t1_ja16hl9 wrote

It says:
- price will double.
- get in before $et (Is this one of the hedgies or just some ETF ?
- $trinq ? That's some weird stock, man.
Although I suspect it's all some guy taking a class in colege , maybe stock trading 101.
Well, good for him or her , stay in school.


Vegetable-Machine-73 t1_ja1csyd wrote

Just compile a list of all the controlled/fake news sources, ask it to scrape them and then whatever overall sentiment is calculated, inverse it. WSB logic is above all. :)


jiantoi t1_ja4zble wrote

Oh programming getters and setters