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_Br549_ t1_j9lxs52 wrote

Feel like we are being punished for their miss management of the country


_Br549_ t1_j9lz8fl wrote

Dickheads should be held accountable


Wander21 t1_j9pbeif wrote

Don't worry bruh, it's only 10 million people losing their job while we fighting inflation, no biggies


elsinore11 t1_j9ljhbb wrote

Can’t raise rates too much higher or the US can’t afford the interest payments on the $30 trillion debt.

The federal government takes in $5T per year and spends $6T per year. Imagine being in debt 6 times your annual income and you can’t break even with your budget.


Ok-ChildHooOd t1_j9ln4ss wrote

Most of the debt is at old interest rates. Inflation also makes the debt cheaper in real terms.


leeghandiz4me t1_j9niseq wrote

Yea no duh. Honestly, anyone still long EMs and Europe needs to find an exit a month ago.


HisRoyaleExcellency t1_j9lex54 wrote

These r old news. Fed will max cap at 6%. Thats it. Inflation is coming down and its coming down fast and hard.
