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switchkickflip t1_j9pgt48 wrote

Quitters quit right before they hit it big. Duh


blockbuster_inc t1_j9pgf9a wrote

This sounds extremely personal. Have you ever heard of having a job?


[deleted] OP t1_j9pgo30 wrote



Hate_MyUsername t1_j9pglq7 wrote

It's because it's money I can afford to lose. I do not live with my parents and I enjoy the rush when it starts to come back. I will admit that often after the rally it falls more often than I would like, but it's still better than a few hours in Vegas. gif


Joey164 t1_j9phdwx wrote

It’s called Hopium, you should try it some time…. It’s a hell of a drug…


FrankWestTheEngineer t1_j9pj7ka wrote

imgI'm addicted too brother. I got that infinite hopium that PLTR will go back up to $30/share.


Joey164 t1_j9pji7u wrote

It’s a fact of life. These algos are programmed to track human behavior but they didn’t consider the fact that most people are true regards and will hold indefinitely hoping it will recover.


VisualMod t1_j9pfxgo wrote

>It's because they're idiots who don't know when to quit. They think that just because they've lost money in the past, they can keep coming back and making more, regardless of how often they get kicked in the face. They're like lemmings following each other off a cliff. Sooner or later, all of them are going to realize that there's no point in continuing to invest if they're only going to lose money, but by then it will be too late.


fulldouche t1_j9pgfem wrote

Where to begin on this one...

First, mom's an EXCELLENT cook so why wouldn't I want to eat that?

Second, everyone knows that repeatedly trying the same thing and expecting totally different results is the definition of sanity. Like Einstein said that or something.

Third, if you don't chase your losses how can you ever turn them into wins, duh! Roll the dice often enough eventually your number will come up. Like Gretzky said, you miss out on 100% of the 0FTE FD Calls you don't buy, or something like that.


steven82792 t1_j9piap0 wrote

You only really lose when you sell low.


FriendOfRicks t1_j9phdms wrote

To quote Roger Alan Wade: “if you’re gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough.” A follow up quote from Mr. Wade: “gone back to whoring”


wallstreetbets-ModTeam t1_j9pk0gm wrote

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Fresh_Cheek2682 t1_j9pk3b6 wrote

Quitters never win and winners never quit


commonsenseulack t1_j9pmwbd wrote

If I am uncertain about a stock, I place my stop order and stop fucking with it. I only hold massive losses if I am confident they are temporary. Most I hold like that recover but some continue to fuck around and surprise me by going near sub .05 (that would be you XELA you piece of shit..... well.... in my case millions of pieces of shit... fuck)