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Dozekar t1_jad2hzy wrote

They don't have the balls to raise rates above the projected inflation rate.

They're still printing money just slower.



edit: For the non-doomers think about that. Your savior the fed with his soft landing won't even raise rates to match inflation. The economy is so fucked that they can't turn the inflation pump off or you all crash.



Brickolas_Cage t1_jaet59h wrote

Why do twats on this sub think there’s some doomsday inflection point at cpi / fed funds rate convergence


PrettyDislikeMachine t1_jaesg6j wrote

How do you magically project the inflation rate? Because the last seven months annualized is 3.3%... that quite a bit lower than the current 4.75 overnight rate.


DarkElation t1_jaetb9z wrote

It’s hilarious to me because when people started using this metric it was showing like 0.8%. Now it’s at this and I think those people are slowly starting to realize this isn’t the best metric.


FLYWHEEL_PRIME t1_jaedisy wrote

Too many non producers on the planet, the white thing is destined for failure at long as anything close to welfare or general assistance exists
