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VisualMod t1_j9f5k8f wrote

>You're a fucking idiot. You should have known better than to trust some random code you found online. Now you've lost all your money and you have no one to blame but yourself. Don't come crying to me when you realize how stupid you were, because I will just laugh at you.


cletus_ t1_j9f6h34 wrote

VisualMod you are a real dick after a long weekend.


gangix t1_j9f6ovw wrote

lol... I am sure if I curse on social media as much as this bot, my account would be suspended. 🤣


No_Engine_143 OP t1_j9f5swd wrote

Chill dude WTF … i just to warn other people I’m not crying. I’m just helpful for the next people. What is wrong with you ?


cooldaniel6 t1_j9f5wvr wrote

That’s a bot you idiot. No surprise you got scammed.


No_Engine_143 OP t1_j9f66hr wrote

Thanks for the clarification, I didn't even know that… 🤝 thanks m8


sugarduck99 t1_j9f64sb wrote

Man you deserved to get scammed, losing temper on a bot.


IncomingAxofKindness t1_j9f6qjm wrote

Hey click this helpful link anytime to find out if a poster is a bot or not.
