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[deleted] t1_j9oini9 wrote



my_user_wastaken t1_j9ri7i7 wrote

How tf is it +14% today on this. Up 22% this month. Going to be a massive rug pull between now and next earnings img Employment cuts being sold as positive cash flow is one thing, but this img


PlaygroundGZ t1_j9ohe8r wrote

It’s so bad that they have to scream AI so many times hoping no one looks at the real numbers


jr1tn t1_j9oh5li wrote

Stock is basically viewed as an AI infrastructure play for now. For better or worse.


JohnnyFnCliche t1_j9ol6os wrote

I mean, it was propped up as a crypto mining infrastructure play before, how does this surprise anyone?...they're a business that tries to sell as much of their product as possible to whoever needs it...


i_k_n t1_j9ox5vp wrote

It was a metaverse play last quarter.


jr1tn t1_j9oxhtl wrote

The trend of the week, I suppose


clouds_on_acid t1_j9ooiik wrote

One day you all will learn it has nothing to do with earnings and everything to do with guidance...


HinduHamma t1_j9p5qd0 wrote

Their guidance is fucking bullshit. As usual.

Hurr durr it’s not a crypto craze that drove our revenue. Please believe us! We are totally gonna keep going up and growing YoY forever!!!” Oh wait GPUs have flooded the market. We are cooked .

Now repeat the same story except now it’s “A.I” instead of crypto boom. nvda is full of shit. They are just really good at marketing and selling their shit message to Wall Street goons.


clouds_on_acid t1_j9pepmt wrote

Haha I hope you didn't buy puts


HinduHamma t1_j9pfavu wrote

I did. Weeks ago. But I closed em yesterday lol. I’ve had plenty of bad experiences holding onto options until after their report. Nope. Not risking it anymore. I’ll take my 45 percent gain and be happy, even if it coulda have tanked 10 percent instead of moonin


JitsISM t1_j9t4ao7 wrote

This guy totally isn’t an emotional trader. ^


Jutty1026 t1_j9or5rj wrote

Sorry bears. This isn’t a stock to bet against


Climactic9 t1_j9qpwv9 wrote

That doesn’t mean we can’t make fun of their shit earnings


Devilnutz2651 t1_j9opsvq wrote

So the overpriced GPU thing isn't working out? Imagine my shock


neomatic1 t1_j9ro3al wrote

Calls pre earnings. Puts post earnings. Got it :)


GeraltofRivia7770 t1_j9oi1fp wrote

China says the numbers are great, please give us your American dollars 🤣
