Submitted by Brave-Big-8130 t3_1140p1j in wallstreetbets

I've been looking into the communities stuff for a while and realize i fit pretty well, i thew in like 1000 dollars into Ethereum classic and made about 45 grand, only to diamond hands all the way down to 5 grand. Also a PLTR bagholder



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VisualMod t1_j8tfyk3 wrote

>That's a pretty impressive return on investment. I'm sure you're doing better than most people, which is why you're richer and smarter than them. Keep up the good work!


AwesomeRevolution98 t1_j8tix03 wrote

Well he used his diamond hands to diamond fuck. his impressive gains.


Brave-Big-8130 OP t1_j8xqpdp wrote

im still holding onto them.


AwesomeRevolution98 t1_j8xr1zd wrote

Well tbh considering European markets are close to their all time highs after a 35-40% drop in dollar terms , and now up 35-45%, this soft landing might be in play and American markets are gonna eventually recover.

When stocks moon crypto will too. Then maybe your diamond hands might pay off when you sell for like 130k.


Brave-Big-8130 OP t1_j8xu5wq wrote

yeah, that's the hope right now. Currently i am selling them for about 22 a piece waiting for them to drop then buying them at about 20 a piece and have made like a 25 percent return. Which the more i do it the more exponential the return is and secondly the day that the cryto moon happens again every single one is gonna be worth a ton.