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HenryGoodbar t1_jaar7kf wrote

If I had a dollar for every time Elon Musk was sued… I have like 20 or 30 bucks I think.


Only_Outcome4297 t1_jaa2of9 wrote

Look, I'm not bullish in Tesla at all, but this is all getting tiresome. The only thing that will make a difference is if a government agency prosecutes them for criminal negligence. That day will come, just not yet. Until then, wait for tighter regs to come into place which forces them to scale back their systems.


IBentMyWookie728 t1_jaa4n2i wrote

The US government actually cracking down on a company for an unsafe product?? imgimgimg


Any_Classic_9490 t1_jabdfxn wrote

The actual safety data proves it is safer than humans. That is why this will never happen here. You can't win in court if the number of crashes per million miles is lower with fsd on. It is just a basic fact from the data.


Inside-Insurance-508 t1_jaa3835 wrote

As of recent isn’t Tesla making a couple billion dollar deal with the US government to allow any electric car to use Tesla power stations? I don’t think the US government will crack down on them for a while.


Only_Outcome4297 t1_jaa3tnt wrote

"A while" in legal terms can be 5 years or more, which is about the same amount of time it'll take to make a case of criminal negligence.

In any case, access to the charger network is a different issue. While it may be owned by Tesla, $2bn in the scheme of government spending is nothing, and there are alternatives if needed. The supercharger network, without an upgrade to high capacity DC 800V charging, has only got a limited lifespan anyway.


mlamping t1_jaa6ru8 wrote

Bear hopium

They got the legal protections when you hit accept.

And 5 years or more? Statute of limitations would be gone.

What would they sue for?


Inside-Insurance-508 t1_jaa78vs wrote

Good point- And the current trends are depicting this.


mlamping t1_jaa8hf0 wrote

They’re suing but losing.

Look at all the last suits.

And there were like 7 fatalities (rip to those who passed). Paying out a few million to those families won’t hurt the technology or the other companies pursuing self driving.

The government won’t touch stifling any AI company right now in fear of China and others getting there first


IamnotAfraid_23 t1_jaa7gn6 wrote

The day US government prosecutes an American company for criminal negligence, that day, I know in my heart, my time has come to ask Charlize Theron out, on a food truck date, and end that date in a cheap motel.


Only_Outcome4297 t1_jaa7ktv wrote

To be fair I'd do that given even half an opportunity. But I'm cheap, so I'd exclude the food truck. And the motel.


IamnotAfraid_23 t1_jaa7wrn wrote

I am saving up money for that, seems like I am already ahead of you. Money talks in matters of love!

Tsla has big backers, their stock might go down a bit, but no prosecution.


Only_Outcome4297 t1_jaa8629 wrote

Love? Who the fuck are you kidding? I just want a handie behind a Wendy's dumpster.


IamnotAfraid_23 t1_jaa8s19 wrote

Well only chance of making that a reality is getting Charlize Theron to invest, and follow, wsb. She will be opening up a shop behind Wendy’s is six months, give or take.


D_Livs t1_jaakalq wrote

Bro my autopilot drives way safer than I do. It slows me down and I just chill going 70.

In the Porsche I had to be going 15 over everywhere and liked to ride 1 car length behind people.

I get that everyone has different experiences but I just do not see these ADAS as anything by ur safe.


klintbeastwood10 t1_jaaey22 wrote

I don't understand where the criminal negligence is? They are selling a software, clearly marked as a "beta" and promise nothing except that you must be ready to operate the car at any time.

This is getting tiresome. Poor stupid fucks who want a free handout, trying to sue a large corporation, what else is new.

What happened to the good old days, where you agree to the terms of service when you put base something, and if you don't like, you're shit out of luck.


Inside-Insurance-508 t1_jaa2ftm wrote

Well. That’s not good.


Any_Classic_9490 t1_jabcsa6 wrote

Another meaningless lawsuit. Not by the people who bought fsd, but a random troll who bought tesla stock just to sue. It is no different than the lawsuit about the funding secured tweet that Musk won.

These are filed by people who short tesla. There are no damages at all in this case, even if they somehow convince a judge/jury that when predictions take longer than predicted they become lies. Their biggest problem is lacking any example of anyone doing this faster, they won't have a way to call it a lie because developing new technologies that never existed before are unknowns.

That tweet lawsuit took 5 years to get to trial. FSD will be out of beta before they get to a trial in this case.

The worst thing in the NHTSA recall is that teslas would drive through yellow lights just like a person would. NHTSA wants them to increase rear end accidents by stopping sooner when the light turns yellow. It is a pretty meaningless recall that will backfire on NHTSA as soon as someone gets rear ended at a yellow.


Inside-Insurance-508 t1_jaa3jqo wrote

The stock price is dipping a bit…-


Spare-Competition-91 t1_jaam5qq wrote

It already dipped on this news. Last week.


Inside-Insurance-508 t1_jaamcdu wrote

It currently has had yesterday as a price breaking pre market, Aswell as today being a price breaking pre market entrance.

I’m watching Tuesday, is all I’m saying.


Inside-Insurance-508 t1_jaa2ndk wrote

I- uh. Still believe in the dream. The issue with musk is how he tries to be competitive on what is not always sound. This is a direct example. This saddens me.


blizg t1_jacrn18 wrote

So the shareholders are suing. What about the people actually in danger because of auto pilot?


PeeLoosy t1_jab2dzk wrote

So which crypto will pump next based on this news? 🤣


Canadiantruths1 t1_jab8878 wrote

It's time for them to partner with BB. Only way to fix the safety issue. You don't see Honda, Toyota, Hyundai, BMW, Porche, Ford with these issues, I wonder why...


Objective_Night748 t1_jabmhts wrote

I don’t think this will go very far either but they do seem to like aiming at fire trucks for some reason.


lagavulin_16_neat t1_jabnc8m wrote

Probably the same shareholders that are suing for the pay, or just lost on the 420 funding secured thing...he has the funds to not lose. It's FSD Beta. The fact that it is a Beta means there are bugs and they are being worked out. This case will be lost.


BuySellHoldFinance t1_jabqs8q wrote

>Monday's lawsuit led by shareholder Thomas Lamontagne seeks unspecified damages for Tesla shareholders from Feb. 19, 2019 to Feb. 17, 2023. Chief Financial Officer Zachary Kirkhorn and his predecessor Deepak Ahuja are also defendants.

Feb. 19, 2019 to Feb. 17, 2023, Tesla share price went up from 20 dollars to 200 dollars (split adjusted). This case will be thrown out.


Inside-Insurance-508 t1_jaa4qhb wrote

Teslas gaining momentum again off market, I’m short inbetween in predictions right now


terrybmw335 t1_jacyqcc wrote

Let them prove that a human driver alone is statistically safer.


evanwilliams3 t1_jac3lnp wrote

I cant drive without autopilot on the freeway anymore it makes life so much easier
