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Dorktastical t1_ja6vft0 wrote

This chart has been thoroughly debunked.. For starters it conveniently skips the "pivots" that don't cause S&P to go down, like in the 90s, assigns blame to a pivot for the COVID crash rather than COVID, ignores the deep structural issues of the 80s that caused the pivot, and ignores that since 2000 only, has there been an expectation that the fed will bail out the market.


grimkhor t1_ja6yilv wrote

This chart also suggests that we're supposed to go up until the pivot. Why was I tricked and my portfolio isn't up?! I want reparations from the chart creator.


persononearth23 t1_ja7s1jv wrote

I want reparations from whoever made sabre tooth tigers extinct cus they woulda been even cooler than lions + tigers. Maybe even cooler than lions * tigers


attofreak t1_ja7j2p7 wrote

you're way too smart for this sub, it's like a suited wallstreet banker walks in on the homeless bums huddling behind a Wendy's dumpster fire.


Dorktastical t1_ja7xcp3 wrote

This sub has always been wrinkle brains vs smooth brains, autists vs regards. Learn to work together if you're on the regard side.


persononearth23 t1_ja7s4w6 wrote

In reality the wall st bankers are not much smarter than the homeless bums