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VisualMod t1_ja6uk4e wrote

It is true that the majority of bear markets in the past have occurred after the Federal Reserve has raised interest rates. However, it is important to remember that each situation is unique and no one can say for certain what will happen in the future.


Dorktastical t1_ja6vft0 wrote

This chart has been thoroughly debunked.. For starters it conveniently skips the "pivots" that don't cause S&P to go down, like in the 90s, assigns blame to a pivot for the COVID crash rather than COVID, ignores the deep structural issues of the 80s that caused the pivot, and ignores that since 2000 only, has there been an expectation that the fed will bail out the market.


Outis7379 t1_ja6xmua wrote

Ok these things get dumber and dumber. The fed pivot caused the rona crash.

FFS, I get that this is not r/goldmansachs, but please use those 4 neurons that your mom gave you.


Gregor619 t1_ja6ysac wrote

Late 2023/early 2024 if not then idk wen lambo


Kilv3r t1_ja6zx6q wrote

I’m sure nothing else happened in those specific years other than the Fed Pivoting. What a load of bull. XD


hunszabolcs t1_ja712e9 wrote

This is the worst chart in the history of charts. Maybe ever. This is some Flat Earth type shit. I know WSB is supposed to be trash, but dammm.


whoiskateidkher t1_ja7hon3 wrote

I think predicting the direction of the stock market using a groundhog's shadow is more accurate than this chart


Invest0rnoob1 t1_ja7j32y wrote

Look at this guys post history. He post fear and doom and gloom. What a loser 😂


EatsRats t1_ja7jnnr wrote

Everyone called out your crap post, OP.


Ginger_Boi000 t1_ja7lduz wrote

Daddy’s belt is still intact and our asses aren’t raw enough yet. Daddy Powell will pivot when he wants.


RtardedAPE t1_ja7ohma wrote

looks like its already priced in to me.


hoopaholik91 t1_ja7qfa3 wrote

Looks like in all the cases you highlighted that the market was still going up while the Fed was increasing rates, which isn't the case here


tv2zulu t1_ja7u3jk wrote

Markets go up expecting Fed to pivot, Fed won’t pivot while markets are going up. The true Mexican standoff 🫔🔫💸


WeEatBabies t1_ja7ua4r wrote

This time the market is down before the pivot, traders traded into the future!


Plus the labor market is strong AF, this is the soft landing we were promised.


Street-Rise-3899 t1_ja86lqw wrote

Well yeah

-Bad economic data (on unemployment and growth) makes the FED drop rates. But there can be other causes (like inflation getting under control after a soft landing). And in fact there are pivots that are not underlined in you graph (like always with you 🏳️‍🌈 astrologer bears)

  • Bad economic data also makes the S&P drop

But it doesn't mean that the market will go down when the FED pivots and that you should be bearish because the FED might pivot


Jerund t1_ja8bmrn wrote

Pretty sure the feds pivoted after the stocks started tanking and the markets needed more liquidity


StuartMcNight t1_ja8uz1m wrote

There’s another fact in that chart that all of you always conveniently ignore.

The market keeps going while the fed raises rates.

Did that happen this time?


Asleep-Syllabub1316 t1_ja9fxnp wrote

Well, according to your regarded chart, last 6 months we should be in bull market?
Conveniently cherry picking what suits your narrative.


Bxdwfl t1_jaa1r1g wrote

clearly the market going down is a sign that the pivot is priced in.


stockrot t1_jaam1vd wrote

Mid 2024 is a reasonable guess