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pvnieuw t1_je1z39f wrote

Wow nice one


wepo t1_je2ws0t wrote

My biggest win ever. I had 3/17s $60 strike I had to exercise and hold.

Kind of feel bad for whoever wrote them though.


Der31er_ t1_je4rat3 wrote

i sold a put at 90$ and made a decent 9000$ loss.


gimmedatcrypto t1_je21sh6 wrote

Bwom bwom

Chick, chicka chickaaaaa

Bwom bwom 🎶


Bojangles315 t1_je2hz3d wrote

right when I got my 20,000 dollar bonus. time to load up on calls


AutoModerator t1_je1ymu9 wrote

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hishazelglance OP t1_je1z17f wrote

Closed two 5/19 $50P today, finally.


aylubb t1_je1zk76 wrote

Were you able to sell? Heard some brokers are being difficult on the puts lol


hishazelglance OP t1_je1zs5q wrote

Yep! This was the realized profit, maybe a little more (I think I sold both for $46.75 instead of the $46.55 listed?). Robinhood was being annoying but they said options would resume shortly after open so I just stared at the stock for like 35 minutes until it started trading lol


MammothLover21 t1_je2hql7 wrote

Why would you sell the option? You could have just exercised them for $49.75 each.

Unless you couldn’t acquire shares. In which case you paid $300 for each contract for someone else to immediately buy and exercise your contract on another platform.

You could have opened a fidelity account and bought sbny. Then sold your option to yourself and then exercised. Extra $300 per contract for not much work.


hishazelglance OP t1_je2zk8p wrote

You can’t exercise them unless you have the shares as collateral. The thing Robinhood did on 3/17 was an exception.


MammothLover21 t1_je30h34 wrote

I know I said unless you couldn’t acquire shares.

I don’t use shitty Robinhood that blocks trades. Here they robbed you of $600

You could have went to a platform that let you buy the shares and traded your option to that platform and exercise.


MammothLover21 t1_je33blq wrote

I’m 99% sure you lost easy money here.

You could have put your price at $49.50 and a market maker would immediately bought you option and executed your option for you.

My guess is you did the midpoint suggestion from Robinhood on the spread or just did a market order and hit the open bid price.


hishazelglance OP t1_je33qaq wrote

Midpoint was 44.50ish, and I executed at 46.75. Not going to go through making a new fidelity account and doing all that extra work just to risk illiquidity in the OTC market.

It’s easy to critique when you have hindsight. Send me a post next time you have puts on a company that delists and goes under so I can learn from your wisdom 😉


MammothLover21 t1_je348rd wrote

Idk wth you talking about with that spread, you can literally check the options chain here:

$50 put options were selling for $49+. I’m sorry Robinhood shafted you.


hishazelglance OP t1_je34krl wrote

Idk why you’re apologizing or care this much to correct me, you made less than me today and probably in general too LOL.

It’s supposed to be a fun gain post, why do fat top hat discord mods like you try to forcefully exert your intelligence on others? Send me that all time chart or move on bud


MammothLover21 t1_je34ruq wrote

I saw a very obvious misprice and how you got shafted by your brokerage.

I’m telling you for next time so that you can learn how to make that easy $600 extra, but you’re clearly seeing it as an attack.


Supert5 t1_je2art8 wrote

Yo fuck your friend and add me on snapchat: Poorwendydiksuck0R69


shortputz t1_je2lfdv wrote

Bro who sold $50 strike 21 April SBNY puts for $19 each 💀


promonalg t1_je4rxf0 wrote

You can only exercise the option rather than sell the option right? I had a bear spread that I got exercised on my short leg...


promonalg t1_je5zbuw wrote

Stupid IBKR, they liquidated all my positions even though I was able to cover with my put.. they didn't exercise my put and force all my liquidation.. good thing I didn't keep too much in this account


loobear2357 t1_je618db wrote

Friends are your worst enemies when it comes to finances