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Moist_Lunch_5075 t1_je8lxqs wrote

It doesn't surprise me that you're a binary thinker, because that's how people like you are.

So it's either "women worked in everything" or "women didn't work."

What they did in the 1950s, like my baby boomer grandmother, was to work part time jobs because demand was so high and pay was so good. Typically it was in the service industry, manufacturing, or administrative work... many worked as nannies, nurses, and teachers.

You're thinking of the 1920s and 1930s and prior when women were career-locked to specific positions like nurses. That ended with WWII when women entered the workforce and filled jobs as men were drafted.

Remember Rosie the Riveter and the drive to employ women in manufacturing during WWII?

Of course you don't, you don't actually know anything about this... in fact, you don't have any opinion that hasn't been given to you.

But go on, binary thinker, take that shovel and keep digging that binary thinker hole. Eventually you'll get it deeper than 2 inches LOL. Just try harder.