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MajorFerret3225 t1_jd6982e wrote

Interest rates wont make banks collapse. Might even help them and keep them from doing more bad idea loans. Also help strengthen the dollar they have. Make more people hold money vs stocks.

Increasing interest rates attracts forgein investors. Strengthens the dollar vs the btc.

Therr going to hike it anyways. People going to panic no matter what happens anyways. Always happens.

Feds just sit down with a giant chart go over it like there playing candy land. Shows how the banks money flows and forgein deals. Play the game slowely and see how they can throw a wrench into it. Then they show the results to a public audience, water provided.


Dozekar t1_jd8qng7 wrote

> Interest rates wont make banks collapse. Might even help them and keep them from doing more bad idea loans. Also help strengthen the dollar they have. Make more people hold money vs stocks.

You're assuming they're not underwater and just holding their breath for as long as they can while the other banks fail first so they get the bailout instead of the belt.