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Friendship4Every1 t1_jd5f1mf wrote

Nice one. Made me lol. “Total global financial collapse, believe it or not, bullish.”


ItsNotYourFault t1_jd5a4ty wrote

This week? The last 3 months! Feel like I’m losing my bad mind. Even the sell offs, weak af following back massive $10+ swings to the buy side img


Dozekar t1_jd8qdlu wrote

It is going to take years to rid wallstreet of the belief that easy money is going to pour in and save them. The only questions are where the bubble bursts, how bad it is, and whether it's a stock or currency collapse.

My bets on currency collapse at this point. People will keep pointing to the green stock market year after year and they never ask if the green is the company increasing in value or the currency decreasing in value. TBH we might look back and this is what's been going on for years.


RollingInMoney t1_jd523zt wrote

The state of the market is strong!! Lmaogif


mattoratto t1_jd56zh9 wrote

Nice one sir. Switzerland coming up with a new law in less than 24hrs - BULLISH


grimkhor t1_jd534s0 wrote

Truestiestest words ever saidimg


megaultraman t1_jd5pr4w wrote

Yeah, the next few weeks are probably gonna be great.


blazingdragon65 t1_jd55r08 wrote

Lmao, I remember starting this week scared to shit from wsb and now I am kekw.


vegaseller t1_jd62pup wrote

This is made true thanks to the boogle heads. Dem passive 401k flows. Better hope the job market doesn't fall apart tho.


Rameist2 t1_jd64f85 wrote

Thank you for this. Fucking gold.


MajorFerret3225 t1_jd6982e wrote

Interest rates wont make banks collapse. Might even help them and keep them from doing more bad idea loans. Also help strengthen the dollar they have. Make more people hold money vs stocks.

Increasing interest rates attracts forgein investors. Strengthens the dollar vs the btc.

Therr going to hike it anyways. People going to panic no matter what happens anyways. Always happens.

Feds just sit down with a giant chart go over it like there playing candy land. Shows how the banks money flows and forgein deals. Play the game slowely and see how they can throw a wrench into it. Then they show the results to a public audience, water provided.


Dozekar t1_jd8qng7 wrote

> Interest rates wont make banks collapse. Might even help them and keep them from doing more bad idea loans. Also help strengthen the dollar they have. Make more people hold money vs stocks.

You're assuming they're not underwater and just holding their breath for as long as they can while the other banks fail first so they get the bailout instead of the belt.


georgia_is_best t1_jd6ylq4 wrote

Bank crash? Bullish. Bailing out the banks? Bullish. Rate hike? Bullish. fed pivot? Bullish. Hot jobs report? Bullish. Cold jobs report? bullish. Recession? Bullish. Depression? Bullish. Complete collapse of human civilization? Bullish. Heat death of universe? Bullish.


Dozekar t1_jd8r0zc wrote

That's just called inflation.

When no matter what happens the amount of dollars for any given asset is always going up, that means the currency is plummeting.


aesthetics613 t1_jd6bf1t wrote

Market was priced in for 50bps. If we get 25 or zero tmrw market gonna explode into a temporary bull run. Spy 420 by 420. Imma shove a chicken tendie up a bears arsehole