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weblinedivine t1_jefw8oz wrote

Dang you really want an argument 😂.

Some day you’ll have enough self respect to not work for free. For now, I bet you’d dig a ditch if they could frame it as some sort of intelligence test. Are you smart enough to detail my car? Bet you’re not insightful enough to mow my lawn 😂 😂 😂


JustFloatingAbout t1_jefwdus wrote

Once again, doesn’t make any sense


weblinedivine t1_jefxe8b wrote

Bro I think Mensa will let you in if you replace my roof 😂


JustFloatingAbout t1_jefyxoe wrote

I was talking about people being unable to use a service being dumb, and you’ve now replaced it with anybody performing a service must be smart. I am not confident you understand what you’re saying