Submitted by poorschoolteacher t3_127via2 in wallstreetbets

Is the rally in S&P somehow tied to the fact that options are expiring on Friday and/or end of the quarter? Last few days have been low volume. Should we expect a retrace next week?

Looking for people who know more about how options expiration/pricing/etc affect the market than me. I just don't understand this rally based on marginal positive news.



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stubbly_bubbly t1_jeg3s5f wrote

Are we supposed to pretend this price action is normal?


nailattack t1_jeg0ld9 wrote

Did you miss orientation when you first started trading? They should have told you during orientation, but in case you missed it, stonks go up. It’s really not that complicated honestly.


Dannythewizard456 t1_jegwv6a wrote

Fed prints 500 billion in 2 weeks and gives it to banks -> they buy more assets so the price goes up.


Glittering_Claim8079 t1_jegxzvf wrote

Banks start gambling again with free money


cristofolmc t1_jeh1jf8 wrote

Well the Fed says they wouldn't, in fact, they said they would tighten financial conditions. So if you are right, we have another two 25bps hikes guaranteed.


BarDifficult t1_jeg01rg wrote

Based on amount of bears in WSB comments - there are still so many buy-stops left to trigger.


My-Internet-Persona t1_jegajyb wrote

They expire on the 3rd Friday of each month (OPEX). Today was the 4th Friday of March, so no.


cristofolmc t1_jeh1azb wrote

Nah, market only goes up. You think all logic says it should pull back now right? Well no, this is no longer a casino. Its justs a money printer.

Just buy calla and retire at 35.


VisualMod t1_jefzh7a wrote

>There is no certain answer to your question, as the market is highly complex and ever-changing. However, it is possible that the rally in S&P may be partially due to options expiration and/or end of quarter effects. These factors can often lead to increased volatility and trading activity, which could account for some of the recent movement in the markets.


LarschH t1_jegp6b1 wrote

The rally just began