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VisualMod t1_jebd5f9 wrote

>I don't really care about bears or their opinion. I'm only interested in making money, and if they're standing in the way of that then they're my enemy.


Doball t1_jebihhs wrote

Does anyone else just creep on this sub, see posts, then immediately go to the comments to see what VisualMod has to say about it? Every time I am not disappointed.


Kingty1124 t1_jecbhre wrote

I feel like he’s more of a person than I am…

“One of us!” “One of us!” “One of us!”


WinterExtreme9316 t1_jecfq5t wrote

They're not standing in the way though -- they're standing inside the AC vent pipe (or wherever that is), and creepily looking at us through the blinds.