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reddituseranyonymous t1_jecf593 wrote

Reply to comment by matjoeman in How bears feel rn by NeedThoseGains69

I had $TSLA Dec 2021 $800C/$1200C in October 2021 Tesla went up 80% in a month. My account went ballastic. It went from roughly 400k to 1,100,000

Peaking the trading day before Elon asked Twitter about paying Taxes. I spent the weekend wondering what the hell to do with the money. So many things I could do. I didn't have plan for my account going up 500% in a month. I considered cashing out the options, asked Morgan Stanley about buying $QYLD. They said dont. I had no idea what to do. I figured the stock would recover from a CEO sale soon, like most stocks do. It didnt.

That cost me 70%.

I forgot that no one cares how much cash you have in savings unless the bank fails. I could have put $600k in savings until I came up with a plan.