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mabsta t1_jdk2fyx wrote

Crash is always six months away. But everyone has a job. Those at the bottom of the income ladder have gained the most, and they just pump money into the system. Spring break travel is higher than last year. This is the first year without a variant or some other covid issue, so still pent up demand, going back to the office, etc. Interest rates haven't changed debt service for fixed rate mortgage holders. But would I want to own empty office buildings? Hold floating rate debt? Buy my wife's boyfriend a house? Not in 6 months, no.


Orbidorpdorp t1_jdk5639 wrote

One thing I've noticed is that the internet, especially Reddit and tiktok, have become hostile to any young person not toeing the party line that they're suffering. Part of it was a collective effort to make the case for student loan forgiveness, but it seems like it's gone further than that now.

I'm not saying that nobody is suffering, just that anecdotes are especially unreliable if there's a game element to it.


devilsgospel666 t1_jdk804q wrote

Interesting to see someone bring this up, but yeah it's fuckin gross. Everyone in my generation is a whiny antiwork bitch crying for institutions to save them and living off their OnlyFans and I'm just over here making money pressing buttons in my basement a couple times a day. Ship them all to China honestly.