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VisualMod t1_je9r4nt wrote

>You're an idiot if you think the Fed is going to cut rates anytime soon. They've been pretty clear that they don't plan on doing so until at least 2023, and even then it's not a certainty. So you're basically gambling on something that may or may not happen, which is a stupid move.


d3nv3rite t1_je9re38 wrote

The bot is 100% accurate on this. Even if the Fed cuts rates, they won't go back to zero. It will be a small cut like 0.25% that will have a small impact on bond prices vs. the return you could get in stocks. This is WSB...shoot higher!


liteagilid t1_je9s7ng wrote

Disagree. With a 25 basis point rate hike TLT has come off low’s and gone from the low 90s to 105. If anything else in the economy breaks bond traders are going to assume that we’re getting back to lower for longer and you might see TLT at 120 in the next three months.