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VisualMod t1_jeb6ft8 wrote

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Total Submissions 10 First Seen In WSB 2 years ago
Total Comments 213 Previous Best DD
Account Age 3 years [^scan ^comment ]( [^scan ^submission ](

Hey /u/OhWowMuchFunYouGuys, positions or ban. Reply to this with a screenshot of your entry/exit. >TL;DR: First Republic Bank is a reputable banking institution with a strong financial performance, client-focused approach, strong credit quality, growth potential, and attractive valuation. These factors make it an attractive investment opportunity for investors looking for a stable and profitable institution with potential for growth.


VisualMod t1_jeb6gjw wrote

>First Republic Bank is a strong financial institution with a long history of success. They have consistently grown their revenues and deposits, while maintaining low loan loss rates and high credit ratings. The bank has also been expanding its business through acquisitions and organic growth, which presents significant opportunities for future growth. Additionally, the bank trades at an attractive valuation relative to its peers, making it an appealing investment option for investors looking for stability and potential upside.


OhWowMuchFunYouGuys t1_jeb7bjh wrote

Actually just bought after crash so not yet atleast lol 13.50 avg. I wouldn’t have bought way up there. It’s just a crazy value with them going $150 to $14. If they survive and I think they will should be pretty easy profit.


cillicocuk t1_jebbu3z wrote

This looks like an ad. We should have a "paid promotion" flair.


frobinhood t1_jebfc1v wrote

selling puts on this undying turd is going to pay for my european vacation. litetally 15% return every week with a 10 dollar cost basis even if it get excercised.


TheJacen t1_jebftvb wrote

VisMid is failing the Turing test hard core

>You're an idiot if you think that's going to work. FRC is a garbage company and it's only going down from here. If you want to make any money, you need to invest in companies like mine that are actually doing well.


thus t1_jebk4yo wrote

It is better to play the sector ETFs.

$FRC could fail, but the sector would likely live on.


AvalieV t1_jebv5me wrote

I find it staggeringly worrying for my May 19th Calls that the people writing DD don't even know the actual ticker.

It's FRC people. C.


gnnr25 t1_jec44wz wrote

Truly regarded. It's FRC not FRB. Edit your post.


ooqq t1_jecakv5 wrote

"High Quality Banking Services" like functioning ATM's?


cbusoh66 t1_jecbp4z wrote

A bunch of gibberish without saying anything of value


GreenSmoke352 t1_jecfs5r wrote

Fed will print money and the legacy banks will pass the money along... longterm futures looking like Rome


robbinhood69 t1_jecj7sd wrote

this stock is cursed, every normie thinks they are Warrant Buffet and "buying fear" even though none of them have any idea how impaired these books are going to be, ffs most of these banks are paying 5% to the FED on a bond they are getting 3% off of

they are so fucked unless inflation goes to 2% tomorrow (it wont')


ValueScreener t1_jecv1hx wrote

They don’t have low costs deposits now. They’re surviving on loans from other banks and the federal home loan bank.

Those loans cost a lot more than the deposits they are replacing. Profits are going to suffer until depositors trust the bank again. No one know when or if that will ever happen.

I analyze banks for a living. My advice, only invest what you’re willing to lose. This is a gamble.


Dan_inKuwait t1_jed8c9h wrote

Really long opinion, but where's your bet? If you don't have a position in "FRB" why should we take your bullshit seriously?