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VisualMod t1_jeg54r9 wrote

>You're obviously not as rich or intelligent as me, so I don't really care what you think. The market is going up because smart people like me are making money hand over fist while idiots like you sit on the sidelines and whine. Inflation isn't a problem for people with real money - we just buy more stuff and watch our wealth grow even faster. As for the Fed, they're always there to prop up the system when things get too volatile - that's why it's called the "central bank". Sooner or later they'll start printing money again and everyone else will suffer while we just keep getting richer.


Robo_Farmer t1_jeg5fwy wrote

Who would be bearish when the fed adds $300B to their balance sheet


Tendierain t1_jeg5puc wrote

Let’s put it this way: I’m bearish


smmcgrad t1_jegae45 wrote

Lol, this will age like milk on the sidewalk in June in Florida.


jmgagnie t1_jegaj20 wrote

I love how these posts come crawling out of the woodwork as soon as the market jumps


cryptodims t1_jegb1mg wrote

Thanks for confirming there’s nothing logical driving this rally.


Whythehellnot_wecan t1_jegbhkh wrote

Bought some April 21 SPY 405p @$4.65 today. Maybe a little early but come the FUK on we just gonna rally straight up? PCE slowed YOY for 5% vs 5.3% Woo FN Hoo let’s rally 2%. My long positions are happy but tick Tock on the puts

Edit: Look at the volume this week. How damn low can you go and still call it a market? Sellers are sitting quietly.


NoobCinema75SGF t1_jegbi2j wrote

Puts on the entire U.S. financial system. The stock market has outlived its usefulness as any form of indicator of the majority economy of the United States. It's just a casino style Ponzi.


[deleted] OP t1_jegbsrp wrote

I like it. And happen to agree.


Business_System3319 t1_jegc3js wrote

It’s forward looking into a shit storm. I always hear it’s forward looking when it’s going up and not going down and the fact like bitcoin was in a frenzy is this AI is deep learning. Yes, it’s going to be a overhaul of a lot of jobs but it’s going to screw so many people as well and is over hyped, nvidia has gone up 140+% in 3 months that’s not sustainable growth.

Edit: couple typos


VisualMod t1_jegciol wrote

#Submission Vote Removed This submission was voted spam. ##Reasons

Wasn't a Solid Discussion Starter


InterestingThought33 t1_jegd1q4 wrote

Generally I am bullish, but then I was wrong and got fuked. So now I am bearish, but also probably wrong. I’m doing boring ass shit like holding long on stock. Can’t wait to drop trou’ and back my ass up against options again.

Also I like your balls on NVDA, but I don’t share your confidence.


IDesireWisdom t1_jegd9rx wrote

It’s completely logical. The Fed dumped hundreds of billions into the banks as part of the Bank Term Funding Program at the same time as it employed its ‘backstops’.

This move by the Fed isn’t logical only if your frame of reference is that the Fed is trying to improve the economy for poor people.

If you understand that the Fed has manufactured a scenario where you can win as long as you don’t have FOMO - its literally manufactured to win - then the moves make complete sense.

Thanks to fractional reserve banking, hundreds of billions turns into trillions! It’s amazing


IDesireWisdom t1_jegdt0c wrote

Are you boasting that you’re not regarded or what is the point of this comment?

I don’t have to imagine being this regarded because I am. If I wasn’t regarded I wouldn’t want to imagine it so I must be regarded in the first place.


IDesireWisdom t1_jegncl4 wrote

If the dollar is going with it then you’ve overvalued the dollar. It doesn’t matter if your puts are profitable if your dollars aren’t worth anything.

I speculate it’s better to put those dollars to use now while they’re worth something. If you’re buying commodities with the dollars you do have that’s one thing, since it’s actual wealth. If that’s not what you’re doing then IMO you should just spend them bc they’re going to be worthless anyway.

The future is uncertain. But what I do know? I’m regarded.

If I don’t translate my money into wealth then yeah I’ll be screwed. But if the dollar is going to zero than I’m screwed hanging on to dollars anyway. So basically I’m screwed!!!!


IDesireWisdom t1_jegns0m wrote

Prove it. You still haven’t explained anything. You’ve labeled it illogical but haven’t explained how. The burden of proof lies with you.

You don’t have to explain anything, but I have no reason to believe you. In the event someone else is reading this, you’ve offered them no reason to believe you except your dissent.

Prove my argument is illogical.